If good intentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deteriorating atmosphere, the planet’s fragile layer of air would be as good as fixed. The two great dangers threatening the blanket of gases that nurtures and protects life on earth--global warming and the thinning ozone layer--have been identified. Better yet, scientists and policymakers have come up with effective though expensive countermeasures.
But that doesn’t mean these problems are anywhere close to being solved. The stratospheric ozone layer, for example, is still getting thinner, despite the 1987 international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol, which calls for a phaseout of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals by the year 2006.
CFCs--first fingered as dangerous in the 1970s by Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina, two of this year’s Nobel--prizewinning chemists--have been widely used for refrigeration and other purposes. If uncontrolled, the CF
A. quick responses.
B. energy efficiency.
C. great initiatives.
D. scientific analysis.
When I was 16 years old, I made my first
visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been{{U}} (56)
{{/U}}. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had
of-ten{{U}} (57) {{/U}}to France, so I was used{{U}} (58)
{{/U}}a foreign language to people who didn’t under- stand{{U}} (59)
{{/U}}. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to{{U}}
(60) {{/U}}a nice easy holiday without any{{U}} (61)
{{/U}}problems. How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a {{U}} (62) {{/U}}telephone to give my American friend Danny a{{U}} (63) {{/U}}and tell her I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me{{U}} (64) {{/U}}lost and asked{{U}} (65) {{/U}}he could help me. "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring." "Well, that’s{{U}} (66) {{/U}}"he exclaimed. "Are A. to marry B. marrying C. to be married D. married [判断题]临时高压消防给水系统的高位消防水箱的有效容积应满足初起火灾消防用水量要求,二类高层住宅,不应小于12立。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]派班员接到车场调度下达的调车计划后,应立即组织相应调车司机前往车场调度处领取调车单,原则上电客车司机15分钟内到达车场调度处领取调车计划,工程车司机20分钟内到达车场调度处领取调车计划。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某企业为小规模纳税人,销售产品一批,含税价格42400元,增值税征收率6%,该批产品应交增值税为2400元。 ( )
[单选题]198.ZD6自动开闭器动接点打入静接点后,用手扳动动接点, 其摆动量不大于( )mm。
A.3.5 B.3 C.2.5 D.2 [单选题] 施工机具和安全工器具应( ),专人保管。入库、出库、使用前应进行检查。
A.统一编号 B.专人领用 C.专库保管 D.统一放置 [单选题]女性,42岁,心悸、失眠多年,脾气急,有时出汗多。查:无突眼,甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大,未闻血管杂音,无震颤。心率106次/分,律整,肺、腹(-);手指及舌伸出呈粗大震颤;甲状腺I131摄取率:3小时30%,24小时55%;T4 180nmol/L(正常65~169),T3 3.7nmol/L(正常1.1~3.1)。最可能的诊断是
A.甲状腺炎? B.单纯性甲状腺肿? C.GravEs病? D.神经官能症 E.结核病 [多选题]《南昌局集团公司行车补充规定》(南铁运〔2018〕95号)客运车站站台动车组紧急停车应急处置中,动车组停站或初启动,站、车客运人员发现危及(),需紧急叫停列车时,使用全路统一的站车专用无线通信频率(467.200MHz),呼叫司机停车(如列车尚未停车,列车工作人员同时按照《技规》要求按下紧急停车按钮)。
A.旅客人身安全 B.行车安全 C.职工人身 D.旅客人身、职工安全 [填空题]2514.承插连接常用的填料有(_)、自应力水泥、石膏氯化钙、(_)、麻丝或橡胶圈、粘接剂等。
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E [单项选择]在坏死组织发生分离排出的过程中,下列哪项描述的内容不够合适()
A. 有溶解现象出现 B. 有炎性过程参与 C. 可产生空洞 D. 不会形成包裹 E. 一定会形成溃疡 我来回答: 提交