Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
How much does one chair cost ()
"I’ve never met a human worth cloning." says cloning expert Mark Westhsin from his lab at Texas A&M University." It’s a stupid endeavor." That’s an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy. So far, he and his team have not succeeded, though they have cloned two cows and expect to clone a cat soon. They just might succeed in cloning Missy this spring—or perhaps not for another 5 years. It seems the reproductive system of man’s best friend is one of the mysteries of modem science.
Westhusin’s experience with cloning animals leaves him upset by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missy project, using hundreds upon hundreds of dog’s eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos carrying Missy’s DNA. None have surv
A. study the possibility of cloning humans
B. search for ways to modify its temperament
C. examine the reproductive system of the dog species
D. find out the differences between Missy and its clones
Passage 1 States are considering major changes in prepaid college tuition programs - raising prices, restricting participation of canceling them - as they grapple with financial woes. Nationwide, families will likely have to pay more to participate, or accept that they might not cover tuition when children go to college. Colorado has closed its prepaid plan to new investors and told existing ones that it may not cover future tuitio A. serve as the main source of finance to the state B. invest money in developing local colleges C. sponsor colleges and their educational programs D. join the plan and pay the tuition in advance [单项选择]使用浏览器上网时,不影响系统和个人信息安全的是 ( ) 。
A. 浏览包含有病毒的网站 B. 改变浏览器显示网页文字的字体大小 C. 在网站上输入银行帐号、口令等敏感信息 D. 下载和安装互联网上的软件或者程序 [单选题]104型分配阀在安定试验时起紧急制动作用最有可能是( )引起的。
A.紧急阀缩孔III堵塞 B.紧急阀缩孔II堵塞 C.紧急阀出风口垫丢失 D.稳定弹簧过强 [单项选择]研究企业消费结构时,其重点应放在( )
A. 原料 B. 动力、燃料 C. 半成品 D. 机器设备 [单选题]在站内无空闲线路的特殊情况下,接入为排除故障、事故救援、疏解车辆等所需要的救援列车、不挂车的单机、动车及重型轨道车时,上述列车均应在进站信号机外( )。
A.慢行 B.减速 C.停车 D.通过 [填空题]The passage gives an overview of hurricanes and their history.
A.雷电 B.雨 C.雾 D.4级风 [判断题]班组党支部一般由本级党支部负责上党课,每季度至少上1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某基金的份额净值在第一年年初时为1元,到了年底基金份额净值达到2元,但时隔一年,在第二年年末它又跌回到了1元。假定这期间基金没有分红,则此时第一年的收益率为( ),第二年的收益率则为( )。
A.100%;-50% B.100%;-100% C.50%;-50% D.100%;50% [单选题]FB31221以下不是风轮转速降低的优点的是( )。
A.减小负载冲击 B.延长使用寿命 C.更加经济 D.增加发电量 [判断题]散曲兴于金,盛于元,体式与词相近。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电工作票由设备运维管理单位签发,也可由经设备运维管理单位审核合格且经批准的( )签发。
A.修试及基建单位 B.修试(施工)单位 C.检修及基建单位 D.检修(施工)单位 [单选题]客运杂费的收费项目由()部门制定。
A.各铁路局有关部门 B.各省物价部门 C.国务院物价 D.国务院铁路主管 [填空题]在电气化铁路线路上作业,应遵守下列规定:起道作业一股钢轨起道时,一次作业起道量不得超过() mm。
[单选题]暴风、雷雨、雪后或有外力影响可能造成线路障碍的隐患时应( )——
A.立即巡查 B.按计划巡查 C.每周巡查一次 D.每月巡查两次 [判断题] ( )卷烟产品只有在特定环节和层次的延伸,最终才可能发展成为产品的潜在部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在我国地体系构成中,从地价的特点来,基准地价属于()
A. 区域平均地价 B. 平均市场价 C. 成交地价的平均水平 D. 实际成交价与评估价格的平均值 [单选题] 待用间隔(母线连接排、引线已接上母线的备用间隔)应有名称、编号,并列入( )管辖范围。其隔离开关(刀闸)操作手柄、网门应加锁。
A. 调度控制中心 B. 设备运行单位 C. 设备检修单位 D. 设备维护单位 [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查规则》第53条,进入民用运输机场控制区的其他人员、物品及车辆,应当接受安全检查。拒绝接受安全检查的,不得进入()。
A.民用运输机场 B.运输机场控制区 C.民用运输机场控制区 D.机场控制区 [单选题]创伤急救原则上是( )。
A.A.先抢救、后搬运、再固定 B.B.先抢救、后固定、再搬运 C.C.先固定、后抢救、再搬运 D.D.先搬运、后固定、再抢救 [判断题]巷道支架按使用时间长短分为架棚支架与永久支架。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]What are two purposes of a forwarding class?()
A. to identify traffic that should be dropped B. to classify traffic C. to identify traffic that should receive common treatment D. to assign traffic to output queues 我来回答: 提交