National Geographic (61)
fill a number of roles, says Karen Kasmauski. "We are journalists;
researcher, thinkers," she says, "photography is our (62)
." As one of the Society’s six contributing photographers-in-residence, Karen seeks to focus (63) attention on global changes and how they (64) human health. One promising (65) is the anti-measles (66) in Kenya led by the American Red Cross, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UN (67) . "These photographers-in-residence have chosen subjects they’ve been (68) for years, subjects they’re (67) about," says program manager Charlene Valeri. Frans Lanting investigates (70) and the danger of (71) loss to animals in the wild. David Coubilet works to promote the survival of coral reef (72) in the Sou A. cause B. crusade C. campaign D. strategy [判断题]笼型转子电动机的转子回路两端是通过端环短路的。
[单选题]联络员、防护员、施工负责人等在入网上道前须进行试机和通讯试验,确保相互之间通讯畅通。【280号第十八章第一0四条 】
A.对 B.错 C. D. E. F.1 [单选题]( )完成之后,⽅可修改操作规程。
A. 准备阶段 B. 现场评估 C. 最终评估 [简答题]1FC5发电机当励磁分流电阻R断路时,可能引起发电机端电压升高至 V以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]先张法预应力混凝土T形梁施工,整体张拉和整体放张宜采用自锁式千斤顶,张拉吨位宜为张拉力的()倍,且不得小于()倍。
A.1.3,1.2 B. C. D.1.6,1.5 [单选题]操作票填写完后,在空余部分()栏第一格左侧盖"以下空白"章,以示终结.
A.指令项; B.顺序项; C.操作; D.操作项目. [单项选择]
案例摘要:患者,男性,55岁。1小时前因右侧腰背部剧烈疼痛,难以忍受,出冷汗,服颠茄片不见好转,急来院门诊。尿常规检查:可见红细胞。B型超声波检查:肾结石。 病人宜用何药止痛()A. 阿托品 B. 哌替啶 C. 阿托品并用哌替啶 D. 吗啡 E. 阿托品并用吗啡 我来回答: 提交