One day a very wealthy American, Hiram
Boost, came to Macasso—you may have heard of Boost, he’s in films-and he said he
had bought, secretly, a valuable 16th century "old master". He said, "I know
that the English government won’t let me take it out of England, but I have a
plan to get round that. I want you to paint a picture—it doesn’t matter what it
is-on top of the ’old master’." Hiram then explained that he could quite easily
get Macasso’s picture removed from the canvas when he got to New York, without
damaging the painting underneath. Well, Macasso painted a picture of a London
gas-works on it, and old Boost got the canvas to New York all right and sent it
to the firm he knew to have Maeasso’s painting removed. About a week later he
got a telegram from the firm. It said: "We have removed the picture of London
gas-works, also ’old A. To cover the original one. B. To make it more valuable. C. To change it from classic to modern piece. D. To describe what London gas-works look like. [单项选择]X线对比度是指()。
A. 透过物体两部分的X线强度之比 B. 透过物体两部分的X线强度之和 C. 透过物体两部分的X线强度之差 D. 透过物体两部分的X线强度之积 E. 透过物体两部分的X线强度平方和 [单选题]中心型模板制作后,其( )应满足上下、左右对称。
A.移心量 B.对称性 C.水平基准线 D.垂直基准线 [单选题]人体内产生自然对比最明显的部位是
A.胸部 B.腹部 C.躯干 D.四肢 E.头部 [多项选择]谷类中的B族维生素主要集中在( )。
A. 胚 B. 糊粉层 C. 谷胚 D. 谷皮 E. 谷粒 [简答题]光纤内窥镜需要另配照明系统将被检部位表面照亮以便于观察检验吗?为什么?
A. 种植场所在当地洪水水位线以上的非蓄洪、行洪区 B. 生长正常 C. 投保人应将符合条件的农作物全部投保或指定区域选择投保 D. 间种或套种的作物不属于保险合同承保的保险标的 [单选题]可授予限制使用级抗菌药物处方权的是( )( )
A.具有高级专业技术职务任职资格的医师,经培训并考核合格后,方可授予 B.具有中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的医师,经培训并考核合格后,方可授予 C.具有初级专业技术职务任职资格的医师,经培训并考核合格后,方可授予 D.具有初级专业技术职务任职资格的药师,经培训并考核合格后,方可授予 E.具有中级以上专业技术职务任职资格的药师,经培训并考核合格后,方可授予 [单选题]-B-A-003 4 2 3
在站内其他线路作业,躲避本线列车时,下道距离不少于(??? )m,与本线相邻的正线来车时,按《普速铁路工务安全规则》第3.2.3条第一项和第三项办理,与本线相邻的其他站线来车时可不下道,但必须停止作业。列车进路不明时必须下道避车。 A.500 B.800 C.1400 D.2000 [T/] [简答题]简述DC-32k捣固车材料小车物品装载的要求。
[单选题]当变电第一种工作票采用总工作票和分工作票时,分工作票应一式两份,由( )和分工作票负责人分别收执。
A.工作许可人 B.总工作票负责人 C.运维管理单位负责人 D.施工单位负责人 我来回答: 提交