When I decided to quit my full. time
employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new
international trend. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my
professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career
although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by
claiming "I wanted to spend more time with my family". Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment ill what the Americans term "downshifting" has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality. I have been transformed from a passionate A. the quick pace of modem life B. man’ s adventurous spirit C. man’ s search for mythical experiences D. the economic situation [单项选择]治疗和护理新生儿寒冷损伤综合征的关键是
A. 供给足够的热量 B. 供给足够的液体 C. 逐步复温,循序渐进 D. 合理用药 E. 对症处理 [多选题] 下列行为,无论数量多少,都应当追究刑事责任的是( )
A. 制造毒品 B. 持有毒品 C. 走私毒品 D. 吸食毒品 [单选题]劳动合同期限在三个月以下的,可以约定试用期。
A.A:对。 B.B:错。 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]新华书店系统采用托收承付方式结算时,每笔结算金额起点为( )元。
A. 1000 B. 5000 C. 10000 D. 20000 [多选题]乘客信息系统站台单个LCD屏黑屏的可能故障原因为( )。
A.车站播放控制器故障 B.站台LCD屏故障 C.车站服务器故障 D.该LCD屏电源线故障 [简答题]2011年3月12日,某造纸厂发生一起因工人严重违反操作规程和缺乏救助常识而导致10人中毒,其中4人死亡的重大伤害事故。
事故当日,该厂工人于早上7点停机,经过往浆渣池中灌水、排水的工序后,8点左右有2名工人下池清扫浆池,当即晕倒在池中。在场工人在没有通知厂领导的情况下,擅自下池救人,先后有6人因救人相继晕倒在池中,另有2人在救人过程中突感不适被人救出。至此,已有10人中毒。厂领导赶到后,立即组织抢救,经往池中灌氧、用风扇往池中送风后,方将中毒者全部用绳子拉出池来。由于本次中毒发生快,中毒深,病情严重,10例病人在送往医院后,已有6例心跳和呼吸停止,虽经多方努力抢救,至当日下午4时20分,已有4人死亡。 事故原因调查与分析 1.中毒现场有害气体的测试及中毒化学物质的鉴定。浆池外形似一倒扣的半球状体,顶部有一40cm×60cm洞口,工人利用竹梯从洞口进出清洗浆池。走近洞口,就闻到一股较浓的臭味,事故发生后,在洞口处用快速检测管对洞口内10 cm处的气体进行检测:硫化氢(H2S)55mg/m。(国家卫生标准为10mg/m3),一氧化碳、氯气和氯化氢未检出,可以推断,在实行向池中通风、送氧之前,其浓度一定更高。根据中毒病人的发病及临床特征,将本次中毒诊断为急性重度硫化氢中毒。 2.浆池硫化氢产生的原因。造纸的过程中,使用大量的含硫化学物质,通常的情况下,由硫化氢引起的职业危害多发生在蒸煮、制浆和洗涤漂白过程中。如果含硫的废渣、废水长时间存放在浆池中,再加上含硫有机物的腐败,就会释放出大量的硫化氢气体,由于比重较大(1.19)而沉积于浆池的底部。 3.工人严重违反操作规程。硫化氢是剧毒的窒息性气体,在没有良好通风和个人防护的情况下,是绝对不能进入高浓度硫化氢环境工作的。但本次清洗浆池前,水仅灌注了四分之一,且工人在没对池内进行通风处理的情况下就下池清洗,随后一连串的救人更是在没有任何通风和防护的情况下进行的。 4.缺乏安全及应急措施。现场调查发现用于鼓风的排污口处却没有鼓风机,连电源插座都找不到;清洗浆渣池没有任何的个人防护用具如防毒面具,甚至连一根救助的绳子都没有,更没有发生事故时的抢救设备。 5.缺乏劳动安全卫生意识、管理混乱。事故发生后,当我们要求厂方提供 [单项选择]It’s good that wireless companies have agreed to warn customers when they are about to exceed monthly limits on voice, text or data usage or incur international roaming fees, which can result in thousands of dollars of extra charges. But consumers need more protection.
The voluntary agreement announced between the main wireless industry group and the Federal Communications Commission only scratches the surface of troublesome pricing practices that have flourished in an industry that faces insufficient competition. The deal imposes no penalties on the wireless companies for violations. It might work, but the F. C. C. must convince carriers that violations will lead to real regulations with bite. Carriers often fail to respond to complaints without intervention from government regulators. For years,Verizon Wireless incorrectly billed millions of customers for data access that they did not use. Last year, the company publicly acknowledged the problem and agreed to pay $53 millio A. It claims to try its best to serve customers. B. The existing technologies limit its service. C. Customers cannot choose the services at will. D. It makes meager profit in cellphone text messaging. [多选题]哪些银行需要提供首付款凭证?( )
A.民生 B.厦门 C.泉州 D.邮储 E.渣打 我来回答: 提交