Store Magic{{/B}} For most of the 20th century Smithson’s was one of Britain’s most successful department stores, but by the mid-1990s, it had become dull. Still profitable, thanks largely to a series of successful advertising campaigns, but decidedly boring. The famous were careful not to be seen there, and its sales staff didn’t seem to have changed since the store opened in 1908. Worst of all, its customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own brand products, the major part of its business, and showing a preference for more fashionable brands. B A. More money needs to be invested in the present store. B. The company’s profits will only continue to rise if it expands. C. The refurbishment of the store is proving unpopular with customers. D. Smithson’s shareholders expect a quick return on their investments. [单选题]在对使用光放大器的光传送段进行检修前,应关闭放大器发光。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [判断题]锅炉水压试验降压时,速度应均匀缓慢,一般每分钟可下降0.3~0.5MPa。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]证券公司为加强自律管理,严格要求有机会获取内幕信息的从业人员不泄漏和不利用内幕信息。 ( )
A.《期货监管协调工作规程(试行)》(证监期货字[2007]139号) B.《中国期货监管协调工作规程(试行)》(证监期货字[2007]139号) C.《期货监管协调工作规范(试行)》(证监期货字[2007]139号) D.《期货监管协调工作条例(试行)》(证监期货字[2007]139号) [单选题]世界上最早种植棉花的国家是( )。
A.中国 B.美国 C.印度 D.埃及 [判断题]施工作业必须在计划规定的时间之前结束并销点遇特殊情况确需延长作业时间的施工负责人需
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()土豆不能直接用于制作土豆泥之用。
A.黄皮的 B.紫皮的 C.白皮的 D.发芽的 [单选题] 低氧燃烧时,产生的( )较少单选
A. 水蒸气 B. 二氧化硫 C. 二氧化碳 D. 三氧化硫 [单选题] 可燃气体的燃烧性能常以( )来衡量。
A.火焰传播速度 B.燃烧值 C.耗氧量 D.可燃物的消耗量 [多选题]有下列行为之一,造成不良后果或者影响的,于以警告、记过或者记大过;情节较重的,予以降级或者撤职;情节严重的,予以开除。( )
A.在值班、备勤、执勤时擅离岗位的 B.在灭火救援战斗行动中,作战消极、临阵畏缩的 C.接到人民群众报警求助后,无故不出警的 D.拒不执行或者变相不执行、拖延执行上级依法作出的决定、命令的 [多选题]钢管脚手架采用外径 48.3mm,壁厚 3.6mm,无( )的钢管。
A.不符设计要求 B.严重锈蚀 C.严重弯曲 D.压扁 E.裂纹 [判断题]必须使用型号合适的关阀堵漏器材工具、可以使用非防爆器材。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]碎石或卵石的坚固性应用什么方法检验?试样需经几次循环后,测定什么指标?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]针对此次教师“一考三评”之信息技术应用能力提升培训和考评工作,下方叙述正确的是( )。
A.考评对象为在岗专任教师 B.兼课的学校行政人员不用参加考评 C.援藏教师不用参加考评 D.聘用教师和内地班派出教师不用参加 [多项选择]特殊类型的荨麻疹包括()
A. 日光性荨麻疹 B. 皮肤划痕症 C. 荨麻疹性血管炎 D. 胆碱能性荨麻疹 E. 丘疹性荨麻疹 [判断题]党的十八届三中全会的主题是全面深化改革。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,31岁,受凉后发热咳嗽、咳痰一周气促3天,意识模糊1小时,查体:T39.5℃,血压70/50mmHg,口唇发绀,双肺可闻及较多湿啰音,心率115/分,未闻及杂音,四肢冷,血常规WBC21×10/L,N0.90。该患者最可能诊断是:()
A. 中枢神经系统感染 B. 急性左心衰 C. 重症肺炎 D. 干酪性肺炎 E. 肺栓塞 [单选题]某年级392名同学排成两路纵队秋游,相邻两排距离为0.4米。队伍每分钟走60米,要经过一座长312米的大桥,队伍从排头的上桥到排尾的离开桥共需要多少分钟?( )
A.5.3 B.5.7 C.6.1 D.6.5 [单选题]用电信息采集系统通信信道是指系统主站与( )之间的远程通信信道。
A.釆集设备 B.控制设备 C.电网设备 D.终端 [单项选择] In an event known as the "Great Dying", some 250 million years ago, 90 percent of all marine life and nearly three-quarters of land-based plants and animals went extinct.
Scientists have long debated the cause of this calamity--which occurred before the era of dinosaurs--with possibilities including such disasters as meteor impacts.
Researchers led by Peter Ward of the University of Washington now think the answer is global warming caused by volcanic activity. Their findings are ’’reported in Thursday’’s online edition of the journal Science. They studied the Karoo Basin of South Africa, using chemical, biological and other evidence to relate layers of sediment there to similar layers in China that previous research has tied to the marine extinction at the same period. Studying a 1,000-foot thick section of exposed sediment, Ward’’s team found evidence of a gradual extinction over about 10 million years followed by a sharp increase in extinction rate that lasted another 5 mi
A. was unique in evolution B. evolved out of the low-oxygen environment hundreds of million years ago C. is hard to explain D. caused their extinction [多选题]造成人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态的主要原因可归结为(
A. 技术的原因 B. 教育的原因 C. 身体和态度的原因 D. 管理的原因 E. 资金投入的原因 [填空题]There is no reason why you shouldn’t tell him 提前 what you are going to do.
[多选题]放、紧线前,应检查确认导线无障碍物挂住,导线与牵引绳的连接应可靠,线盘架应( )。
A.A.美观清洁 B.B.稳固可靠 C.C.转动灵活 D.D.制动可靠 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]在使用计算机应用软件Word的“查找”功能查找文档中的字串时,可以使用通配符。
[判断题] 新胶管使用前,可以用气氛将胶管内的滑石粉吹除干净
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与计算营业利润无关的因素是()。
A.所得税 B.销售费用 C.管理费用 D.财务费用 [单选题] 能使钢有时效性的元素是( )。
A.钛 B.硅 C.锰 D.氮 我来回答: 提交