Lichens can be spectacular for anyone
who cares to look, but few people take the trouble. Often modestly colored, and
seemingly two-dimensional as they cling to whatever surface they find, they grow
in background - as though designed to be ignored. Yet they hold a special
fascination for botanists, partly because they present mysteries still to be
solved and partly because they do so many things so well. No casual observer ’of a lichen would ever suspect that it was a composite of interacting life forms. This seemingly uncomplicated lichen is actually composed of a fungus and a colony of algae (or blue-green algae, which some scientists now consider to be bacteria). A few species even include all three of these diverse forms of life. A complete lichen is strikingly different from its separated partners in both appearance and A. not totally understood by botanists B. troublesome to collect for the purposes of study C. uncomplicated in their internal structure D. not easily noticed by observers [简答题]之前在天津上班,当时单位给缴纳了公积金,后来离职离开天津了。现在能否以个人的名义继续缴纳公积金?如何办理?
[单选题]电缆试验需拆除接地线时,应在征得( )的许可后方可进行。
A.工作负责人 B.工作许可人 C.专责监护人 D.工作票签发人 [判断题]通过传真送达的工作票,其工作许可手续应待正式工作票送到后履行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在温度为273.15K和压力为l00kPa时,2mol任何气体的体积约为44.8L。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]凯利的归因理论的三个维度是( )。
A. 刺激客体维度 B. 行为主体维度 C. 背景维度 D. 折扣维度 [单选题]背光补偿是指可以使摄像机在 ( )下拍摄画面时,使输出视频信号的幅 值提高,从而使监视器上的主体画面明朗、可视性得到改善的功能。
A. 逆光环境 B. 侧光环境 C. 顺光环境 ( D. 无光环境 [单项选择]在死刑的执行时间上,西周奉行______
A. 公开执行 B. 秋冬行刑 C. 奉天罚罪 D. 春秋决狱 [判断题]变压器是一种静止的电气设备,它利用电磁感应原理将一种电压等级的交流电转变成异频率的另一种电 压等级的交流电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]( )是指金融工具在金融市场上能够迅速地转化为现金而不致遭受损失的能力。
A. 风险性 B. 期限性 C. 收益性 D. 流动性 [判断题]智慧营销系统网格管理功能只能建立两级网格,即总网格和子网格,子网格下面不能再建立子网格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]撤销权自债权人知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内行使。自债务人的行为发生之日起( )内没有行使撤销权的,该撤销权消灭。
A. 两年 B. 三年 C. 四年 D. 五年 我来回答: 提交
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