Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.
Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If parents, teachers or peers mocked your foibles as a child, you fear a repeat. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.
While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself.
Actual acting, as in performing the scripted lines of a character other than yourself, does not do the job. While politicians m
A. looking foolish
B. failing in words
C. not attracting attention
D. appearing pressurized
Nearly all"speed reading"courses have
a"pacing"element—some timing device which lets the students know how many words
a minute he is reading.You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5
or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.Check the average
number of words per page for the particular book you are reading.How do you know
when 5 minutes has passed on your watch if you are busy reading the
book Well,this is difficult at first.A friend can help by timing you over a set
period, or you can read within hearing distance of a public clock which strikes
the quarter hours.Pace yourself every three or four days, always with the same
kind of easy, general interests books.You should soon notice your accustomed
w.p.m. rate creeping up. Obviously there is little point in increasing your w.p.m.if you do not u A. is used to time a student’s reading speed B. is not used in most speed reading courses C. is used as an aid to vocabulary learning D. should be used whenever we read alone [判断题]防护员发现材料器具、作业人员侵入限界危及行车和人身安全时,及时通知驻站联络员喊停来车,并面向来车显示停车手信号,昼间显示红色信号旗,夜间显示红色灯光。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ZD6系列电动转辙机的电动机换向器修配后,直径为()。
A. 40~44mm B. 41~44mm C. 42~44mm D. 43~44mm [单项选择]《医疗用毒性药品管理办法》规定,医疗单位调配毒性药品,每次处方剂量不得超过()
A. 1日极量 B. 2日剂量 C. 2日极量 D. 3日剂量 E. 3日极量 [多选题]在我国,武装力量动员主要是指()。
A. 现役部队动员; B. 后备兵员动员; C. 公安部队动员; D. 民兵动员 [单选题]质量评价一般以“___”为单元,根据每公里接触网扣分数进行评价。
A.正线公里 B.正线条公里 C.接触线延展公里 D.换算条公里 [单项选择]
基于TCP/IP的互联网服务中,IP协议提供主机之间的 (1) 分组传输服务。 TCP协议提供端口之间的 (2) 报文传输服务;为了实现可靠的服务,采用超时重传、确认捎带技术。传输中的协议规定,在确认信息中捎带 (3) 的序号以减少通信量。TCP使用 3次握手协议来建立连接,设甲乙双方发送报文的初始序号分别为X和Y,甲方发送 (4) 的报文给乙方,乙方接收报文后发送 (5) 的报文给甲方,然后甲方发送一个确认报文给乙方便建立了连接。 1()A. 可靠的面向连接的 B. 不可靠的面向连接的 C. 可靠的无连接的 D. 不可靠的无连接的 [多选题]《电力供应与使用条例》第三十八条规定;违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由电力管理部门责令改正,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得5倍以下的罚款( )( )( )。
A.未按照规定取得《供电营业许可证》,从事电力供应业务的 B.擅自伸入或者跨越供电营业区供电的 C.擅自装机发电自用的 D.擅自向外转供电的 [多选题]《铁路客运运价规则》第十六条中规定 :免费乘车及持儿童票乘车的儿童单独使用卧铺时,应另收(),有空调时还应另收()票价
A.A、全价卧铺票 B.B、全价空调票 C.C、半价空调票 D.D、半价卧铺票 [多选题]《保护规定》对接地有什么要求?
A.用于保护的电流、电压、控制、信号等二次电缆应采用屏蔽电缆,屏蔽层两端应同时可靠接地 B.不允许用电缆芯两端同时接地的方法作为抗干扰措施 C.电流互感器和电压互感器的二次回路必须分别有且只能有一点接地。接地点应永久、可靠 D.根据开关场和一次设备安装的实际情况,应敷设与厂、站主接地网紧密连接的等电位接地网 [单选题]加强对柜员的轮岗工作要求,按一般原则,轮岗期限不超过 ( )年。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]消防专用电话网络应为独立的()系统。
A. 联通网络 B. 移动网络 C. 电信网络 D. 消防通信 [单选题](5931)反映导体对电流起阻碍作用的物理量称为( )。
A.电压 B.电流 C.电阻 D.电容 [多选题]下列关于国家预算的构成的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 中央预算由中央各部门预算和地方各级预算组成 B. 中央政府预算指的就是中央预算 C. 各部门预算是由所属各单位预算组成 D. 地方各级总预算由本级预算和汇总的下一级总预算组成 [单选题]倒车时必须有人员在()方进行疏导警戒。
A.前 B.后 C.侧后 D.侧前 [单项选择]请根据以下资料回答: 某股份公司2009年有关资料如下: