I got a job teaching special education at a school in Coachella, California, a desert town about 170 miles from home. It was no (1) job. Street gangs (2) around the school after dark."Be careful," Dad warned me during one of my frequent weekend (3) home. He was concerned about my living (4) , but I needed to be on my own.One evening, I stayed after school to rearrange my classroom. (5) , I turned out the light and closed the door. Then I (6) toward the gate. It was (7) ! I looked around. Everyone had gone home.After (8) all the exits, I found just enough (9) to squeeze under a gate in the back of the school. Then I walked toward my car, parked in a field behind the building.Suddenly I heard voices. I (10) around and saw at least eight boys following me. (11) my pace, I reached into my shoulder bag to get my key. I (12) all over the inside of my handbag. But the key wasn’t (13) ! Dear Lord, please help me, I prayed (14) . Suddenly, my fingers touched a loose key in
A. headed
B. rushed
C. looked
D. wandered
A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been
told that it would be a criminal offence to sell thousands of tubes of
toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print
giving the firm importing it does not include the letters "UK". Under cosmetics
regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the
address is London, which is "a major city", the letters UK must be added. The
suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgers’s A2Z chain asked them to take back the
toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards
officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very
minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysteri A. Wrong product name. B. Misleading description. C. Distributor’s name not included in the small print. D. Supplier’s name not given in detail or not included. [单选题]以下哪种标志元素运用了具象表现形式
A.点、线、面元素 B.汉字元素 C.动物造型元素 D.拉丁字母元素 [单选题]触电急救时,首先要将触电者迅速()。
A.送往医院 B.用心肺复苏法急救 C.脱离电源 D.注射强心剂 [简答题]测试结束的标准是什么?
[单选题]进站、接车进路、接发车进路色灯复示信号机显示两个月白色灯光与水平线构成60°角显示:表示主体信号机显示经道岔( )位置向正线接车的信号。(技规)
A.直向 B.侧向 [简答题]如何对原煤浮沉试验资料进行分析?
A.A. 对 B.B. 错 [多选题]作战训练必须由与之规模相匹配的级别干部到场组织实施,实行( ),落实安全检查和全程监督。
A. 统一管理 B.分级管理 C. 分级负责 D.现场监督 [单选题]发生火灾时( )。
A.不能随便开启门窗 B.只能开门 C.只能开窗 [单选题]根据季节性特征及本单位的生产实际,每季度开展一次有针对性的( )隐患排查。
A.季节性 B.综合性 C.针对性 D.普遍性 [单项选择]关于嗜酸性粒细胞增多症,正确的说法是()
A. 外周血嗜酸性粒细胞>5%白细胞总数,或其绝对值>0.25×109/L B. 临床以下午3时采血做直接计数较为合适 C. 分类计数增多15%~50%,直接计数为(1.5~5.0)×109/L属重度嗜酸性粒细胞增多 D. 所有病例血象中均可见到幼稚细胞,甚至有原始细胞 E. 骨髓象中嗜酸性粒细胞增多,且可见幼稚型,以嗜酸中晚幼粒细胞多见 [单项选择]在60℃左右由凝胶转化为溶胶的是
A. 印模膏 B. 琼脂印模材料 C. 藻酸盐印模材料 D. 印模石膏 E. 硅橡胶印模材料 [单选题]PLC动作中,za_action里的clear,用于指代()
A.保证人身、设备安全的必要条件 B.允许设备执行动作 C.通讯正常 [单选题] 1979—1981年,中国减少粮食播种面积5 000万亩,有计划地扩大了经济作物的种植面积,在有条件的地方还开始逐步退耕还林还牧,鼓励农村在经济合理原则下举办社队企业。这些政策 ( )
A.推动了农村经济结构的调整 B.加快了私营企业发展 C.完善了家庭联产承包责任制 D.健全了市场经济体制 [单选题]下列关于流体的表述,错误的是( )。
A.在外力作用下其内部发生相对运动 B.流体是不可压缩的 C.在运动状态下,流体具有粘性 D.无固定形状,随容器的形状而变化 [填空题] In the United States today, families basically have two contrasting attitudes toward television. Many families (26) the television to be on at any time of the day or night. Very often, (27) of these families watch television (28) or don’t interact with other family members (29) they are watching. The TV is used to make (30) kind of background noise in the house, (31) as a kind of electronic babysitter. Parents often turn it on to (32) "bored" children. In contrast, other families (33) control when the television will be watched and what programs can be watched. (34) these families watch programs together and discuss them together. In these homes, the TV is rarely on (35) nobody is watching it. Parents don’t use it as an electronic babysitter; (36) , they insist that children read or play (37) rather than sit in front of a screen. (38) the contrasting attitudes toward television (39) , families in America are choosing television (40) other
A. A.Because of B.In place of C.In spite of D.Speaking of [判断题]在用户设备上工作,作业前检查多电源和有自备电源的用户,应已采取机械或电气联锁等防反送电的强制性技术措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]相同专业的施工企业组成联合体参加投标,在联合体各方均具备承担本招标工程资质的前提下,应按照资质等级( )的施工企业确定联合体的资质等级。
A.较低 B.较高 C.平均 D.最高 [多选题]牵引供电远动系统的“四遥”功能是指( )。
A.遥控 B.遥信 C.遥测 D.遥调 [判断题]抵押人所有的机器、交通运输工具和其他财产不可以抵押。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]路断路器跳闸时,如已发现()时,不允许送电,应立即将故障点隔离进行处理
A.明显故障点 B.可疑故障点 C.断路器的遮断容量小于母线短路容量 D.大电流接地系统变为不接地系统 [单项选择]诊断AMI的确定性标志物是()
A. LD B. Mb C. FABP D. cTnT E. CK-MB [多选题]新充气后和运行中的无电弧分解物隔室(GIS开关设备、电流互感器、电磁式电压互感器)SF6气体湿度测量值应分别( )。
A.≤250μL/L B.≤300μL/L C.≤450μL/L D.≤500μL/L [单选题]从非上市公司取得红利5000元,支付交通费50元、银行手续费1元,则该部分所得应纳的个人所得税税额为( )
A.990元 B.1000元 C.999.8元 D.989.8元 [单选题]正常钢轨探伤作业中,70°探头应能发现闪光焊( )缺陷。
A.轨头垂直横向裂纹 B.轨腰裂纹 C.轨底角灰斑 D.轨底烧伤 [单选题]赵先生患2型糖尿病,下列是他的病史叙述,其中与糖尿病无关的是( )
A..睡眠时多梦,早醒 B..做事没力气,容易疲劳 C..胃口很好,但不增体重 D..颈部经常生疖,且不易治愈 E..无论喝多少水总感到口渴 [单选题]下列描述中不正确的是()
A.串联电阻可以分压 B.并联电阻可以分流 C.电阻串联越多阻值越大 D.电路并联越多阻值越大 [单选题]A-C-B-002 4 2 4
电焊机焊接过程中,以下( )不是不安全因素。 A.焊机漏电 B.随意拆卸 C.焊工带电作业 D.相对干燥环境下施焊 [单项选择]封闭式基金的期限是指( )。
A. 基金从成立起到终止之间的时间 B. 从开始认购到全部份额认购完成时的时间 C. 从终止时开始清算到清算完毕之间的时间 D. 从每年的1月1日到该年的12月31日 [单选题]单选题:公司成立网络大学运营管理中心,机构设在( )。
A. 国网人资部 B.国网高培中心 C.国网技术学院 D.国网管理学院 [单选题] 气瓶存放处( )m内禁止明火,禁止与易燃物、易爆物同间存放。 (1.0分)
A. 7.0 B. 8.0 C. 9.0 D. 10.0 [多选题]莱商银行发行的可转让个人大额存单支持( ),不支持( )。
A.全额转让 B.一半转让 C.部分转让 D.大部分转让 [单选题][T]BC038 5 1 5
一般液压系统的工作( )最好控制在65℃以下。 A.转速 B.流量 C.压力 D.温度 [单项选择]鉴别慢性肾盂肾炎与慢性肾小球肾炎有效的是()
A. 血尿程度 B. 蛋白尿程度 C. 肾功能减退程度 D. 影像检查示一侧肾缩小或表面凹凸不平 E. 高血压程度 [单项选择]当归补血汤治疗经行身痛血虚证的适应证候是()
A. 血虚证 B. 脾虚证 C. 肾虚证 D. 血瘀证 E. 气滞证 我来回答: 提交