Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest American poets. She was born in a typical New England village in Massachusetts on December 10,1830. She was the second child of he family. She had lived in the same house for Fifty-six years when she died. During her life time she never left her native land. She left her home state only once and she left her village very few times. After 1872 she rarely left her louse and yard. In the later years of her life she retreated to a smeller and smaller circle of family and friends. In hose later years she dressed in white, avoided strangers, and communicated chiefly through notes and poems even with intimates. The doctor who attended her illness was allowed to "examine" her in another room, seeing her walk by an opened door. People in her home village thought of her as a "strange" figure. When she died on May 15,1886, she was unknown to the rest of the world. Only seven of her poems had appeared in print. But to think of Emily
A. After Henry James referred highly to her.
B. After seven of her poems were published.
C. After her poems became known to others.
D. After she was dead for many years.
该病人最初出现的症状应是( ) Questions 51 - 55 are based on
the following passage. In the lumberyard by the lake, where trees from the woods were turned into boards for construction work, there was an old brick building two floors high, and all around the outside walls were heaped great piles of soft sawdust. There were many of these golden mountains of dust covering that part of the yard right down to the blue lake. That afternoon, bored with having nothing else to do, all the fellows followed Michael up the ladder to the roof of the old building A. They left immediately. B. They were not surprised. C. They remembered how they had felt themselves. D. They thought he was joking. [单选题]犯罪分子刘某强奸了邻居一名 9 岁女孩,为掩盖罪行,又杀人灭口。尸体被发现后,公安机关立案侦查,刘某找到“铁哥们儿”李某,将犯罪的全过程告知李某,并希望李某承担罪责,到公安机关自首,并拿出 3 万元给李某。李某出于哥们儿义气,又贪图 3 万元钱,于是答应了刘某的要求,随后到公安机关自首。由于其交代的犯罪情节同侦查结果基本相吻合,公安机关误认为李某是作案者。当人民法院以强奸、杀人罪判处李某死刑时,李某才如实交代了事情的真相。经公安机关查明后,李某被释放。至此,李某已被错误扣押 98 天。下列选项正确的是
A.公安机关是赔偿义务机关 B.检察院是赔偿义务机关 C.李某可以请求精神抚慰金 D.不予赔偿 [单选题]22.呼气性呼吸困难发生机理是
A.上呼吸道炎症肿瘤 B.广泛性肺部病变 C.肺组织弹性减弱 D.上呼吸道异物刺激 E.肺组织弹性减少及小支气管痉挛性狭窄 [多选题] 工作许可人的安全责任有:( )[2.0分]
A.监督工作人员遵守安规和现场安全措施 B.许可的接地等安全措施是否正确完备 C.审查工作的必要性 D.工作前对工作班成员进行危险点告知 E.线路停、送电和许可工作的命令是否正确 我来回答: 提交