American doctors say mothers who smoke
cigarettes may slow the growth of their children’ s lungs (肺). They said reduced
lung growth could cause the children to suffer breathing problems and lung
diseases (疾病) later in life. Doctors studied more than 1 100 children between
the ages of five and nine. The mothers of some of the children smoked; the other
mothers did not. Doctors tested the children once a year for five years to see
how fast their lungs were growing. The test measured the amount of air the
children could blow out of their lungs in one second. Children should be able to
blow out more air each year because their lung-power increases as their lungs
develop. But the doctors found that the lungs of the children whose
mothers smoked had not developed as fast as they should. Doctors are not sure
when the mothers’ smoking affected A. The mothers’ smoking during pregnancy could have affected the children’s lungs. B. Doctors are sure that children whose mothers smoked developed 20% more colds, flu and other breathing diseases than other children. C. Doctors are sure when the mothers’ smoking affected the children’s lungs. D. Smoke-filled air at home could have affected the children’s lungs. [判断题]根据《支付结算办法》的规定,支票的提示付款期限为出票日起5日。()
[多选题]站、车服务设施和引导标志应采用( )规定的图形标志。
A.铁路客运服务图形标志 B.铁路部门 C.国家标准 D.总公司 [判断题]某选矿厂精矿产量为300吨/小时,给矿量为900吨/小时,则精矿产率为.300%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轮对组装、检修后,须在( )均匀涂刷醇酸清漆;
A.A轴身及踏面 B. B轴身及轮辋内侧面 C. C轴身及车轮表面 D. D轴身及轮辋内外侧面 [多选题] 踩.放油门踏板时,用力要柔和,不宜过猛,要做到( )。 不定项选择
A. 轻踩 B. 缓抬 C. 不可无故忽踏 D. 不可无故忽放 E. 不可无故连续动作 [单选题]在通讯不畅或瞭望条件不良地段作业时,应增设( )。
A.防护员 B.驻站联络员 C.安全员 D.民工 [单选题]与单纯的血液透析和血液滤过相比,血液透析滤过(HDF)的优点有( )
A.血流动力学不稳定 B.易发生低血压 C.单位时间内溶质清除效率高 D.抗凝剂的用量少 E.对中大分子的清除少 [单选题]在Word的编辑状态,选择了文档全文,若要设置行距为20磅的格式,应当在“段落”对话框中选择“行距”列表框中的()。
A.多倍行距 B.单倍行距 C.1.5倍行距 D.固定值 [单选题] 带中心孔的立铣刀不能用于( )进刀方式。
A.垂直 B.螺旋线 C.倾斜 D.水平 我来回答: 提交