Pretty Good When Spanish football club Barcelona paid US $ 35 million for Ronaldinho last summer, they weren’t buying a pretty face. "I am{{U}} (51) {{/U}}," admits the Brazilian superstar (超级明星). "But everyone has got a different kind of beauty. What I{{U}} (52) {{/U}}have is charm." Indeed he has. His buck teeth (龅牙), flowing hair, big smile, and of course his{{U}} (53) {{/U}}skills are always eye-catching on the pitch. The 23-year-old striker(中锋) scored two goals in a 3-2 win over Deportivo La Coruna on March 1. It was Barcelona’s sixth win in a row and, thanks to their Brazilian’s 10goal contribution,{{U}} (54) {{/U}}looked like a poor season could now end a success. Ronaldinho — full name Ronaldo De Assis Moreira — is one of many South A. over B. at C. on D. above [单项选择]西药人员卫生技术职称分为()
A. 三级两类 B. 三级三类 C. 三级四类 D. 四级三类 E. 四级四类 [判断题]航空安全员负责飞行中的安全保卫工作,承担主体责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现某人未经批准擅自非医师行医者(但没有给患者造成损害)时,所给予的下列处置中,
A.没收非法所得 B.没收其药品 C.罚款3万元 D.没收其所用器械 E.拘留20天 [填空题]Ethics and Mission Statements
Correct As business emerged from the profit-oriented 1980s, values and social on responsibilities were being emphasized on in corporate mission statements. 34 Because Greed was out, and ethics were in. Businesses and their employees 35 became actively engaged in less activities that contributed to their communities. 36 To spell out their goals, companies were increasingly developed codes of ethics. 37 Mission statements that were written because they required consensus and 38 commitment. Not everyone who, however, agreed with the trend toward the 39 strong social stances of some public corporations. Respected economist Milton 40 Friedman contended, "Many Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very 41 foundation of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social 42 responsibility other than to make as much more money for their stockholders as 43 possible." The CEO of Levi Strauss & C [多选题]SF6气体绝缘设备,在进行SF6气体处理时要注意( )
A.回收、抽真空及充气前,检查SF6充放气逆止阀顶杆和阀心,更换使用过的密封圈 B.充装SF6气体时,周围环境的相对湿度应不大于80%。 C.回收、充气装置中的软管和电气设备的充气接头应连接可靠,管路接头连接后抽真空进行密封性检查。 D.立即进行SF6气体微水测试 [多项选择]京剧是在()四大徽班进京后发展起来的。
A. 四喜 B. 三庆 C. 启秀 D. 春台 E. 和春 [单选题]下列有关生物药剂学研究内容的叙述,不正确的是
A.研究剂型因素与药效的关系 B.研究药物的理化性质、制剂处方、制备工艺、贮存条件与药效的关系 C.研究生物因素与药效的关系 D.研究环境因素与药效的关系 E.研究体内过程机理与药效的关系 [单选题]建设单位在办理工程质量监督注册手续时不需提供的资料是()。
A.施工图设计文件 B.中标通知书 C.施工合同 D.监理规划 [单选题]代谢性酸中毒患者的尿液呈碱性,常提示有:
A.严重低钠血症 B.严重高钠血症 C.严重低钾血症 D.严重高钾血症 E.严重高钙血症 [单项选择]科学史家丹皮尔说过:“地位仅次于天使的人类本来是从宇宙的中心地球上来俯览万物的,而今却变成了围绕着千万颗恒星之一旋转的一个偶然的小行星上面有机发展锁链中的一环。”他之所以这样说,是基于()
A. 经典力学将天地运动统—起来,因而人类不该俯视万物 B. 日心说改变了对宇宙的看法,从而否定了人是“万物之灵” C. 进化论认为生物是不断进化和密切相关的,人类并不比其他生物更“尊贵” D. 相对论弥补了对宏观世界认识的不足,改变了人类认识世界的角度和方式 [多项选择]企业内部控制实施的主体包括( )。
A. 企业董事会 B. 监事会 C. 内部环境 D. 风险评估 [单项选择]下列除哪项外,均是鹿茸的适应证()。
A. 肾阳不是之阳痿早泄、宫冷不孕等 B. 肝肾阴虚之腰膝酸软、头晕目眩 C. 精血亏虚之筋骨萎软或小儿五迟 D. 冲任虚寒、带脉不固之崩漏、带下 E. 疮疡久溃不敛或阴瘦内陷不起 [单项选择]在DSC呼叫序列中,如果要求对方应答,则序列终止符为:()
A. END B. ACK RQ C. ACK BQ D. ECC 我来回答: 提交