Today, most countries in the world have
canals. Many countries have built canals near the coast, and parallel{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}the coast. Even in the twentieth century, goods can be
moved more cheaply by boat than by any other{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of
transport. These{{U}} (69) {{/U}}make it possible for boats to travel{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}ports along the coast without being{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}to the dangers of the open. Some canals, such as the Suez and the
Panama, save ships weeks of time by making their{{U}} (72) {{/U}}a
thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are
not{{U}} (73) {{/U}}on the coast; still other canals{{U}} (74)
{{/U}}lands where there is too much water, help to{{U}} (75)
{{/U}}fields where there is not enough water, and{{U}} (76)
{{/U}}water power for factories and mills. The size of a canal A. held B. got C. taken D. developed [简答题]简述慢性腹泻的定义。
A.列车停妥后 B.办理行车闭塞手续后 C.进路准备妥当后 D.布置进路后 [判断题]绝对误差是指仪表指示值与被测量的真实值之间的值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 高度超过50m的脚手架,可采用双管立杆、分段悬挑或分段卸荷载等有效措施,必须另行专门设计。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国家对第二类精神药品实行
A. 敬业爱岗、尽职尽责 B. 尊重科学、精益求精 C. 不为名利、廉洁奉公 D. 语言亲切、态度和蔼 E. 尊重人格、保护患者 [单选题]动火工作票各级审批人员和签发人、工作负责人、许可人、消防监护人、动火执行人应具备相同资质,在整个作业流程中应履行各自的安全责任。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]红蜘蛛聚集于()吸取汁液。
A. 叶片 B. 叶背 C. 枝条 D. 花蕾 [判断题]成套高压开关设备(含备用间隔)应具有机械联锁及电磁闭锁;电气设备的电动或手动操作闸刀必须具有防止电气误操作的强制闭锁功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》的规定,铁皮和卷材天沟按( )计算工程量。
A. 垂直高度 B. 水平投影面积 C. 尺寸长度 D. 展开面积 [单项选择]男孩,7岁,多饮、多尿近6个月。查体:生长发育落后,皮肤干燥、苍白。血渗透压298mmol/L,血钠145mmol/L,尿比重小于1.005。头颅MRI示蝶鞍处可见1cm×1cm×1.5cm大小占位影()
A. 先天性甲状腺功能减低症 B. 生长激素缺乏症 C. 中枢性尿崩症 D. 外周性性早熟 E. 儿童糖尿病 [名词解释]正统、天顺年款
A. 尿糖升高血糖也同时升高 B. 是由于肾小管不能将糖全部重吸收 C. 肾小球肯定有病变 D. 肯定有糖代谢紊乱 E. 尿糖阳性时,尿中的糖只是葡萄糖,其他糖不出现 [单选题](0.8分)
患者男性30岁,鼻部疖挤压后出现,寒战高热,头痛,眼部周围组织红肿,最可能感染的致病菌是 A.金黄色葡萄球菌 B.白色念珠菌 C.铜绿假单胞菌 D.变形杆菌 E.溶血性链球菌 [判断题]一切危害社会的行为,必须是依照法律规定应当受刑罚处罚的,才是犯罪;对情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]至少每两年由授权的人员对空气呼吸器进行一次目检和性能测试。但在使用频率高或使用条件比较恶劣时,则应缩短定期测试的时间间隔。与呼吸器配套使用的气瓶,必须通过由国家质量技术监督局授权的检验机构进行的定期检验与评定。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Conditions were near perfect as parachutist Elizabeth Cheshire jumped from the twin-engine plane at 10,000 feet. The 22-year-old daughter of a war-time hero, Elizabeth had 60 jumps behind her. The weather was fine and the wind was well below the 10 mph (miles per hour) maximum allowed for jumping. Free-falling with eight other members of her parachute club, Elizabeth watched the Cambridge shire countryside spread out beneath her. At 2,000 feet she opened her parachute. Seconds later she had the most terrifying experience of her life. At 800 feet and right on target for the landing zone, a massive gust of wind picked her up and swept her away from the airfield near Pampisford Village. As she fought with the parachute strings to get back on course, a main road and lines of trees loomed up before her. Using every ounce of strength she managed to clear them. But then came the moment of horror. She saw herself heading straight for three 11,000 volt electrical power tines. Elizabeth cr [填空题]
For every 1,000 married couples in the UK, 13 end up divorced according to statistics. Divorce is often a complicated and messy process, and throws up many pitfalls. {{B}}Divorce issues{{/B}} Such thorny issues as whether to sell your home, which parent will look after your children, and how it will affect any loans you- may have, will all have to be resolved. And if you are divorcing your partner in Scotland rather than in England and Wales then another set of laws will apply. For many couples, obtaining a divorce has never been easier. The old-fashioned concept of establishing that "one party is at fault" has been consigned to history and the important fact to establish now is that the relationship has "irretrievably broken down". {{B}}In court or online {{/B}} It is even possible to divorce your partner online, allowing you to save on [填空题]辙叉部分轨距,直、侧向均为( )。
A. 保证零件的完整性 B. 减小零件在切缚恍的变形 C. 容易找到加工起点 D. 提高加工速度 [单选题]永久磁铁中的磁畴 ( )
A.以固定位置排列,方向相互抵消 B.以固定位置排列,在一个方向上占优势 C.无规则的排列 D.与金属晶粒结构相同 [简答题]内圆磨削有哪些特点?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,28岁,妊娠38周,突发剧烈持续腹痛,伴恶心、呕吐3小时入院。贫血貌,血压80/50mmHg;腹部检查发现子宫触诊硬如板状,有压痛;胎位及胎心不清;阴道少量流血,宫口未开。该患者最可能的诊断是()。
A. 先兆子宫破裂 B. 重型胎盘早剥 C. 轻型胎盘早剥 D. 胎盘前置 E. 痉挛性子宫收缩 [判断题][T]BB042 5 3 3
固井水泥车(橇)注水泥浆操作时,喷射泵吸入口保持关闭状态。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]喷焊技术是在喷涂孔加又重熔工序,而且由于操作顺序的不同,分为()和二步法喷焊。
A. 小儿急性喉炎 B. 小儿急性扁桃体炎 C. 小儿急性会厌炎 D. 小儿急性喉气管支气管炎 E. 喉白喉 [判断题]錾切曲线工件时,錾刀长度要根据曲率大小而定,如曲线曲率较大,则錾刀要短。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]测量台应有()原始记录。
A. 用户卡片 B. 用户配线表 C. 装、拆、移机工作记录 D. 测量工作日记 E. 交接班日志 F. 外线障碍派修单 [判断题]没有接线的电缆引入装置分别用密封圈和金属挡板、金属圈依次装入、压紧,否则为失爆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,30岁,乏力、咳嗽1月余,伴低热、盗汗、痰中带血1周。胸片示:右肺上叶尖段炎症,伴有空洞形成。最可能的诊断是
A. 肺囊肿继发感染 B. 浸润型肺结核 C. 慢性肺脓肿 D. 癌性空洞伴感染 E. 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎 [单选题]迄今为止在世界范围内应用最广泛、最普遍的一种教学方法是( )。
A.练习法 B.讲授法 C.谈话法 D.发现法 [单选题]下列不属于举高消防车安全保障系统的是()
A.各种检测开关 B.传感器 C.备用动力源 D.警灯 [单选题](第四十一条)在寒冷的冬季,户外训练应按规定穿戴( )和用具,衣服、鞋袜要温暖、适体,保持干燥。训练时间不宜过长,防止冻伤。( )
A.抢险救援服 B.防寒服装 C.冬常服 D.灭火救援服 [单项选择]Dirt lodged on the nozzle valve seat of a fuel injection nozzle will cause()
A. erosion and cratering of the nozzle orifices B. fuel leakage into the nozzle drain line C. fuel leakage before and after injection D. insufficient fuel delivery though that nozzle [判断题]站的基本队形分为横队、纵队和并列横队
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]个人综合开户业务时,系统证件已过期的,必须先更新证件信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]产生三体散射()的冰雹回波,类似细长的钉子状从强回波区沿径向伸展;它的()很小,()很大。
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