Shyness is a psychological state that
causes a person to feel discomfort in social situations in ways that interfere
with enjoyment or that cause avoidance of social contacts altogether. It can
vary from mild feelings to moderately uncomfortable in social circumstances to
debilitating levels of anxiety that interfere in children with the process of
socialization. Shyness is a personality trait that affects a child’s
temperament. Some infants are born shy and more sensitive. Some of them are
quiet when new people enter a room. A shy baby might sink his head into his
mother’s shoulder, while a baby who is outgoing might smile or squeal with
delight when someone new visits. Some children may feel shy in certain
situations, like when meeting new people. Other children may learn to be shy
because of experiences i A. are biased, lacking theoretical ground B. show one’ s genetic link to shyness C. range from kids of 2 years old to those of 7 years old D. show the unpredictability of shyness during one’s growth [判断题]银行境外贷款业务办理的流程为:借款人向银行提出融资意向,并提供借款人或贸易项目相关材料,银行对借款人进行信用评级,双方就项目贷款条件.担保措施等进行初步协商--如双方就贷款条件初步达成一致,银行启动授信尽职调查程序--银行开展项目评审工作,根据评审情况,进一步确定担保措施--双方就项目-确定具体的贷款条件--银行完成授信评审及审议工作--银行与借款人就协议文本达成一致后,委托律师事务所对合同文本出具法律意见--签署贷款协议-贷款发放及支付--贷款本息回收。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述流水线生产的优缺点及分类。
[单选题]企业在遵循价值规律的基础上,通过以价值为核心的管理,使企业利益相关者均能获得满意回报的能力指的是( )。
A.企业能力 B.企业水准 C.企业目标 D.企业价值 [填空题]大学城停车场西端与正线以()信号机为界限。
{$mediaurl} [单选题]高凝状态是指哪项所致( )
A.血管内皮细胞受损 B.血小板被活化 C.凝血因子水平增加或活化 E纤溶活性下降 D.抗凝物质缺乏 [判断题]倒闸操作的基本条件之一:有与现场一次设备和实际运行方式相符的一次系统模拟图(包括各种电子接线图)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进站预告信号机以显示( )信号为定位。
A.进行 B.注意 C.停车 D.加速 [判断题]已知u=Um sinωt第一次到达最大值的时刻是0.05s,则第二次到达最大值应在0.25s。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交