Our public debates often fly off into
the wild blue yonder of fantasy. So it’s been with the Federal Communications
Commission’s new media-ownership rules. We’re told that, unless the FCC’s
decision is reversed, it will worsen the menacing concentration of media power
and that this will--to exaggerate only slightly--imperil free speech, the
diversity of opinion and perhaps democracy itself. All this is more than
overwrought; it completely misrepresents reality. In the past 30 years, media power has splintered dramatically; people have more choices than ever. Travel back to 1970. There were only three major TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC); now, there’s a fourth (Fox). Then, there was virtually no cable TV; now, 68 percent of households have it. Then, FM radio was a backwater; now there are 5, 892 FM statio A. advocates the Congress’s rejection of ownership rules. B. calls for the Congress’s approval of FCC’s decision. C. expresses his concern over the future of media companies. D. speaks up for big media companies as well as poor people. [判断题]“工资薪金”,是指企业按照规定实际发放的工资薪金总和,包括企业的职工福利费、职工教育经费、工会经费以及养老保险费、医疗保险费、失业保险费、工伤保险费、生育保险费等社会保险费和住房公积金。
A.1391 B.1348 C.1435 D.1441 [判断题] 无线公网通信时,当有异常事件发生,模块可以上报异常事件,不需要上位机干预。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A Power 720 customer using IVM wants to implement dual VIO servers, but is unable to create the second server. What is the most likely reason for this?()
A. An HMC is required for dual VIO servers. B. Dual VIO servers require a split backplane. C. A dual VIO enablement code must be entered from the ASMI interface. D. The second VIO server must be created using the IVM command line interface. [单选题]特种作业操作证每( )年复审1次。
A.5 B.4 C.3 [多选题]人力资源管理费用中,培训费用包括( )。
A.培训预算 B.培训前费用 C.培训中费用 D.培训后费用 E.培训评估费用 [多选题]对于社会而言,品牌益处体现在_______
A. 促进质量的提高 B. 加强社会创新精神 C. 品牌专用权可保护企业间的公平竞争 D. 能给拥有者带来溢价 [填空题]世界卫生组织提出“健康”的定义为“健康不仅是没有____,而且要有健全的____。
[判断题]( )客户异议是客户在接受服务过程中的不赞同、质疑或拒绝。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HK系列刀开关可以垂直安装,也可以水平安装
[单选题]施工作业封挂地线的作业流程不正确的是( )。
A.A.施工负责人到施工地点登记申请作业 B.B.登记地点审核审批施工作业 C.C.施工负责人向综调提出申请封挂底线 D.D.施工结束后直接拆除地线 [简答题]M6现场控制站站号[7-72]
A.1.2 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 [单项选择]下列哪种局麻药不属于酰胺类()
A. 利多卡因 B. 丙胺卡因 C. 丁哌卡因 D. 丁卡因 E. 罗哌卡因 [单选题]咯痰白滑量多易出者属
A.寒痰 B.燥痰 C.热痰 D.湿痰 E.肺痈之痰 [单项选择]临床神经心理学研究的行为障碍不包括()
A. 运用认识障碍 B. 语言障碍、记忆障碍 C. 感觉缺失障碍 D. 半球间分离所致障碍 E. 额叶病变引起的适应行为障碍 我来回答: 提交