Any normal species would be delighted at the prospect of cloning. No more nasty surprises like sickle cell or Down syndrome--just batch after batch of high-grade and, genetically speaking, immortal offspring! But representatives of the human species are responding as if someone had proposed adding Satanism to the grade-school Curriculum. Suddenly, perfectly secular folks are throwing around words like sanctity and retrieving medieval-era arguments against the pride of science. No one has proposed burning him at the stake, but the poor fellow who induced a human embryo to double itself has virtually recanted proclaiming his reverence for human life in a voice, this magazine reported," choking with emotion."
There is an element of hypocrisy to much of the anti-cloning furor, or if not hypocrisy, superstition. The fact is we are already well down the path leading to genetic manipulation of the creepiest sort. Life-forms can be patented, which means they can be boug
A. nonreligious folks received cloning with open arms
B. the scientist was encouraged to popularize his ideas
C. some people moved strongly against cloning technique
D. a technician was condemned and sentenced to death
上述规律性的原理目前尚不清楚。但是,丹麦学者已利用这一理论来恢复包括陨石在内的不知其原貌的物体。陨石在地球溅落后通常以碎片形式存在,当将它们收集复原后,学者们就得出了如下结论:在进入地球大气层前,这些 A 的天体多数呈圆形,个别的则呈飞碟形,从而为天体研究提供了更为形象的第一手资料。