The following is a list of some characteristics of good students, which shows what a hard-working student does and what a teacher likes to see. By learning these characteristics, you may better understand the day-to-day behavior of successful students. These guidelines will help you get down to the business of becoming a serious and successful student.
Successful students go to classes regularly. They are on time. They listen and train themselves to pay attention. If they miss a class, they will let the teacher know why before class begins, if possible, and their excuses are reasonable. They make sure they get all missed assignments, and understand what is taught in class.
Successful students take advantage of extra opportunities when given. They show that they care about their grades and are willing to work to improve them. They often do the optional assignments that many other students avoid.
Successful students are attentive in class. They don’t t
A. after class
B. during office hours
C. before class
D. a week in advance
This is the weather Scobie loves. Lying in bed he touches his telescope lovingly, turning a wistful eye on the blank wall of rotting mud-bricks which shuts off his view of the sea.
Scobie is getting on for seventy and still afraid to die; his one fear is that he will awake one morning and find himself dead--Lieutenant-Commander Scobie, O. B. E.. Consequently it gives him a severe shock every morning when the water-carriers shriek under his window before dawn, waking him up. For a moment, he says, he dares not open his eyes. Keeping them fast shut (for fear they might open on the heavenly host) he gropes along the cake-stand beside his bed and grabs his pipe. It is always loaded from the night before and an open matchbox stands beside it. The first whiff of tobacco restores both his composure and his eyesight. He breathes deeply, grateful for reassurance. He smiles. He gloats. Then, drawing the heavy sheepskin which serves him as a bed-cover up to his ears, he sings a litt
A. jumped out like a young man, to show how healthy he was
B. got out slowly because he was too busy talking
C. could hardly get out although he suffered badly from rheumatism
D. got out with difficulty because his bones were stiff and painful