The human Y chromosome--the DNA chunk
that makes a man a man—has lost so many genes over evolutionary time that some
scientists have suspected it might disappear in 10 million years. But a new
study says it’ll stick around. Researchers found no sign of gene loss over the past 6 million years, suggesting the chromosome is "doing a pretty good job of maintaining itself," said researcher David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass. That agrees with prior mathematical calculations that suggested the rate of gene loss would slow as the chromosome evolved, Page and study co-authors note in Thursday’s issue of the journal Nature. And, they say, it clashes with what Page called the "imminent demise" idea that says the Y chromosome is doomed to extinction. The Y appeared 300 million years ago and h A. the gene loss of Y chromosome is sure and fast. B. the gene loss of Y chromosome is quite slow. C. the Y chromosome is facing "imminent demise". D. the Y chromosome will be replaced by a new one. [单项选择]A bath will not kill the bacteria from your body even if.
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