On 5th December, 1945; five bombers
from a United States Naval Air Station left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a
routine training flight over the Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida. A short time
later the base received radio messages from the bombers (Flight 19) ,saying that
they were lost. Then radio contact was broken The flight did not return, and the
planes that were sent to look for the bombers also failed to return. A massive
search operation was mounted, but no trace of the missing planes or their pilots
was found. They had simply and inexplicably disappeared. This event was sufficient to confirm in many people’s minds that the so-called "Devil’s Triangle". or "Bermuda Triangle" —a section of the North Atlantic bounded roughly by Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico— really was haunted. and in some mysterious way was respons A. it is called "Devil’s Triangle" B. a lot of books have been written about the area C. the lost continent of Atlantis lies somewhere in that area D. there have been may unexplainable disappearances of ships and aircrafts in that area [多选题]中国秉持()的全球治理观,积极参与全球治理体系改革和建设
A.共商 B.共建 C.共进 D.共享 [单选题] 涉及动车组发生的事故,启动( )。
A. 《西安铁路局特种设备事故应急预案》 B. 《西安铁路局防洪应急预案》 C. 《西安铁路局危险货物运输事故应急预案》 D. 《西安铁路局动车组突发公共事件应急预案》 [判断题]调车信号机不良,影响调车作业,属于信号障碍。
[多选题]电力系统异步振荡其明显特征是( )
A.发电机、变压器和联络线的电流表,功率表周期性地大幅度摆动 B.电压表周期性大幅摆动,振荡中心的电压摆动最大,并周期性地降到接近于零 C.失步的发电厂间的联络的输送功率往复摆动 D.送端系统频率升高,受端系统的频率降低并有摆动 [单选题]治疗疗瘰疬、肺痨及初起的肿疡等症,有清热解毒、杀虫等作用的是
A.隔姜灸 B.隔蒜灸 C.隔盐灸 D.隔附子饼灸 [判断题]为提高放大器的放大倍数可以采用正反馈。 ()
A. 显著抑制血清TC的升高 B. 降低LDL-C及ApoB浓度 C. 显著升高HDL-C及ApoA1浓度 D. 显著降低TG E. 抑制HMG-CoA还原酶 [多选题]― 年版第五套人民币 100 元纸币采用了光彩光变数字防伪特征,下列表述正确的有()
A. 该特征位于票面正面右侧; B. 移动倾斜观察,数字在金色和绿色间交替变化 C. 移动倾斜观察,可见一条亮光带上下滚动; D. 该特征采用胶印印刷方式。 [多项选择]健全社会保障体系,推行以下( )。
A. 完善城市居民最低生活保障制度 B. 多渠道筹措社会保障基金制度 C. 建立城乡医疗救助制度 D. 完善城市生活无着落流浪乞讨人员特别是流浪未成年人的救助制度 E. 完善工伤保险制度 [单选题] 使用联氨法保护时,溶液中联氨的含量为()ml/L.
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200 [判断题]银行产品的市场可以细分时,营销组织应当采取市场性营销组织。( )
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