California Gives Green Light to Space Solar
Power Energy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality,now that California has given the green light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatts(兆瓦)of power beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016.But some major challenges will have to be overcome if the technology is to be used widely. A start-up company called Solaren is designing the satellites,which it says will use radio waves to beam energy down to a receiving station on Earth. The attraction of collecting solar power in space is the almost uninterrupted sunshine available in geosynchronous(与地球同步的)orbit.Earth-based solar ceils, [简答题]足蹬法主要适合哪些关节脱位?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高铁《技规》规定,进站(接车进路)信号机故障且引导信号不能开放时,在确认接车进路空闲、进路准备妥当后,司机凭( )越过该信号机。
A.调度命令 B.调车信号 C.书面通知 D.引导信号 [单选题]珠光体耐热钢焊前预热温度一般在( )℃范围。
A.100~150 B.200~300 C.350~400 D.400~450 [单项选择]由()首先提出,保罗·赫塞和肯·布兰查德予以发展的情境领导理论,是一个受到极大推崇的模型,又叫“领导生命周期理论”。
A. 费德勒 B. 科曼 C. 布莱克 D. 德鲁克 [判断题]G根据国家标准,座板式单人吊具是个体使用的具有防坠落功能,沿建筑物立面自上而下移动的无动力载人作业用具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,15岁,腹部被其弟踢伤后出现血尿,在当地医院诊断为先天性肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄,右肾巨大积水。体查:右腰腹肿块,有波动感,轻压痛。肾图示右肾呈梗阻曲线,功能重度受损,左肾正常。根据临床表现及检查应采取何种治疗措施()
A. 肾部分切除 B. 肾切除 C. 肾造瘘 D. 肾盂输尿管成形 E. 输尿管皮肤造口 [单选题]根据《刑事诉讼法》的规定,关于询问证人的地点说法,错误的是:()
A.证人提出的地点 B.侦查人员提出的地点 C.证人的单位和住处 D.必要时候,可以要求证人到侦查机关接受询问 [单选题](2010年)从信息管理组织角度,可以将工程造价信息分为()。
A.文件式信息和非文件式信息 B.系统化信息和非系统化信息 C.宏观信息和微观信息 D.固定信息和流动信息 [多选题]以下属于国网公司Ⅲ类严重违章的是()。
A.A.不具备“三种人”资格的人员担任工作票签发人、工作负责人或许可人 B.B.现场作业人员未经安全准入考试并合格;新进、转岗和离岗3个月以上电气作业人员,未经专门安全教育培训,并经考试合格上岗 C.C.特种设备作业人员、特种作业人员、危险化学品从业人员未依法取得资格证书 D.D.工作负责人(作业负责人、专责监护人)不在现场,或劳务分包人员担任工作负责人(作业负责人) [多选题]肠外营养与静脉穿刺置管有关的主要并发症有: ( )
A.气胸 B.血栓性静脉炎 C.血管损伤 D.非酮性高渗性高血糖性昏迷 E.导管移位 [判断题] 在不影响过往车辆通行的前提下,工程作业车的行驶路线和方向不受交通标志的限制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高压试验工作人员在全部加压过程中,应精力集中,随时警戒异常现象发生,操作人应( )。
A.A.站在绝缘垫上 B.B.直接站在地上 C.C.站在金属板上 [单项选择]A wet cargo refers to().
A. a cargo that will be damaged if it gets wet B. bulk liquids C. cargoes that will cause condensation D. liquids in containers [单项选择]HIV致病的关键因素是()
A. HIV基因组的活化 B. 因各种类型的机会感染而致死 C. gp120易变异,逃避免疫攻击 D. 侵犯各种免疫细胞,造成严重的免疫缺陷 E. 发生各种肿瘤而致死 [单项选择]
{{B}}North Pole Explorations{{/B}}
If Santa Claus really does reside at the North Pole, he must live a lonely life. The North Pole isn’t what most of us would consider a hospitable place as the average winter temperature there is 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (华氏温度) (-40 Celsius). And while Santa’s reindeer are considered Arctic animals, not much life actually calls the North Pole its permanent home. For adventurers, the North Pole is comparable to outer space: an unknown frontier that’s ripe for exploration--and exploitation. The region doesn’t belong to any one country, so there are always disputes about who can lay claim to the untapped natural resources there. And although the prospect of melting ice around the North Pole isn’t pleasant from a global warming standpoint, it could make those resources easier to reach. {{B}}North pole location{{/B}} There are two North Poles. The on A. Frederick Albert Cook. B. Tom Avery. C. Santa Claus. D. Robert Edwin Peary. [单项选择]单纯滑膜结核的X线表现是
A. 关节间隙狭窄,软组织肿胀 B. 关节间隙增宽,骨质破坏 C. 骨质疏松,软组织肿胀 D. 骨质密度增高 E. 骨膜反应性增生 我来回答: 提交