Text 3
On the face of it, anarchists, who believe in no government, have little in common with Jihadists, who believe in imposing a particularly rigid form of government on every one. The theoreticians for both movements have often been bearded and angry, of course, and their followers have readily taken to the bomb. But there the similarities end, don’ t they, so what lessons can be drawn from a bunch of zealots who flourished over 100 years ago and whose ideology now counts for practically nothing
At least two, actually. The first is that repression, expulsion and restrictions on free speech do little to end terrorism. All were tried, often with great vigour, at the end of the 19th century when the anarchist violence that terrified much of Europe and parts of America was at its zenith. As our report makes clear, governments had good reason to respond. Austria, France, Italy, Spain and the United States all lost an empress, king, president or prime m
A. to end terrorism is to end free speech.
B. Licence in speech may breed peaceful environment.
C. the base camp of anarchist violence is located in US.
D. people from all walks of life are the targets of anarchists.
{{B}}A Wonderful
Chip{{/B}} It is tiny, only about a quarter of an inch square, and quite flat. Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad{{U}} (51) {{/U}}yard. Like the{{U}} (52) {{/U}}of sand on a beach, it is made mostly of silicon,{{U}} (53) {{/U}}oxygen, the most abundant element on the surface of the earth. Yet this inert fleck (小片), still unfamiliar to the{{U}} (54) {{/U}}majority of Americans, has astonishing power. It is cheap to{{U}} (55) {{/U}}produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient. The miracle chip represents a quantum(重大的){{U}} (56) {{/U}}in the technology of mankind, a development that{{U}} (57) {{/U}}the past few years has acquired the fo A. therefore B. thus C. however D. so [单选题]( )图可分为一次系统电气图和二次系统电气图
A.电气系统 B.控制系统 C.操作系统 D.运行系统 [判断题]编组大于8辆的140km/h速度等级旅客列车,在公司管内运行途中(包括在站折返)遇自动制动机故障而关门1辆时,在≤20‰的下坡道区段,按100km/h限速。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]缺铁性贫血最重要的治疗措施是
A. 铁剂治疗 B. 病因治疗 C. 叶酸、维生素B12治疗 D. 少量输血 E. 糖皮激素治疗 [简答题]为使试验结果更为准确,试验要求有哪些?
如果本案由人民检察院起诉至B市的某个区人民法院,而该区人民法院经审查认为马某可能被判处无期徒刑的。( )。 A. 应当直接将案件退回人民检察院 B. 应当直接将案件移送至中级人民法院 C. 应当报请移送市中级人民法院审判 D. 可以开庭审判 [单选题]:下列哪一项不符合多发性骨髓瘤
A.高粘滞血症 B.高白蛋白血症 C.高免疫球蛋白血症 D.高尿酸血症 E.高钙血症 [单选题]国铁营业线的货物运输,除军事运输( )、国际铁路联运过境运输及其他中国国家铁路集团有限公司另有规定的货物运输费用外,都按《铁路货物运价规则》计算货物运输费用。
A.现付 B.后付 C.到付 D.预付 [单选题]电机正常运转时,工艺操作工一般不检查的是( )
A.电流 B.电压 C.线圈温度 D.电机温度 [单选题]25HZ轨道变压器用于25HZ相敏轨道电压中为供电电源和( )用。
A.隔离 B.降压 C.升压 D.阻抗匹配 [判断题]重点防火防爆岗位的入口处无须设置人体导除静电装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有爆炸危险的露天钢质封闭气罐,当其壁厚不小于()时,可不装设接闪器。
A. 4mm B. 3mm C. 2mm D. 1mm [多选题] 变速器乱档的原因有( )
A. 互锁簧失效 B. 拨叉变形 C. 自锁簧失效 D. 换挡机构松旷 [填空题]BOM只能在( )发售单程票。
[单项选择]女性淋病患者中无明显临床症状或症状轻微者的占( )
A. 10% B. 20% C. 40% D. 60% [判断题]路用列车装卸路料时,装卸作业完毕,负责人应负责检查装载、堆码状态,确认限界,清好道沿,关好车门。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在规划咨询中应根据区域和行业发展的( )来确定开发方案。
A. 前景 B. 趋势 C. 时序性 D. 阶段性 E. 可能性 [判断题]在进行规模估算过程中,需要作覆盖估算和容量估算,若两种计算思路得到的站址数不相同,考虑在建网的成本目标,应该取站址数较小的情况
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [判断题]1㎏f/㎡=1pa。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]信用等级在A级(含)以下的保证人所担保信贷业务的期限不得超过(),最高额保证合同约定的债权发生期间最长不超过()。
A. 半年;2年 B. 1年;2年 C. 1年;3年 D. 2年;2年 [单选题]抗震缝的设置是为了预防()对建筑物的不利影响而设计的。
A. 温度变化 B.地基不均匀沉降 C.地震 D. 荷载过大 [单项选择]女性,45岁。经产妇,近2年痛经并逐渐加重,伴经量增多及经期延长,疼痛剧烈时需服强镇痛药。妇科检查:子宫均匀增大如8周,质硬,有压痛,经期压痛明显。该患者确诊后的处理措施为()。
A. 手术治疗 B. 化疗 C. 放疗 D. 性激素治疗 E. 镇痛药物治疗 [单选题]三人搬运患者的方法正确的是
A.甲托住患者的头、肩胛部,乙托住患者的背、臀部,丙托住患者腘窝、腿部 B.甲托患者腰部,乙托患者臀部,丙托患者腘窝、腿部 C.甲托患者头、肩部,乙托患者臀部,丙托患者腿部 D.甲托患者头部,乙托患者背部,丙托患者腘窝、腿部 E.甲托患者头、肩胛部,乙托住患者的背部,丙托住患者腘窝、腿部 [判断题] 配电站、开闭所的环网柜可以在低负荷的状态下更换熔断器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]炉子燃烧时其火焰呈黄色且顶端处冒火星,可判断为()。
A. 配风量合适 B. 配风量偏大 C. 燃料带液 D. 配风量不够 [单项选择]