Food{{/B}} Irradiating fruits, vegetables, pork and chicken to kill insects and bacteria has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration over the past decade or so. Irradiation of other meats, such as beef and lamb, is being reviewed. Federal approval does not require that industry adopt the process, and few food processors presently offer irradiated products. Market studies have shown that many consumers are afraid that eating irradiated foods may cause cancer, despite scientific studies that prove the safety of treated foods. Some people argue that more severe government inspection, higher food-safety standards, and more careful-preparation practices by consumers are all that is ne [判断题]( )ZCll型指针式兆欧表线路接好后,可按逆顺时针方向摇动摇表的发电机摇把,转速由慢变快,一般约120r/min,待发电机转速稳定时,表针也稳定下来,这时 表针指示的数值就是所测得的绝缘电阻值。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国际单位制的压力单位即法定计量单位是()(1.0分)
A.牛顿 B.帕斯卡(帕) C.公斤/〔厘米〕 [单选题]套管换热器中的换热方式是什么?
A.混合式 B.间壁式 C.蓄热式 [单选题]根据《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》规定,银行结算账户管理档案的保管期限为( )。
A.银行结算账户开立后10年 B.银行结算账户开立后20年 C.银行结算账户撤销后5年 D.银行结算账户撤销后10年 [单选题]电杆基础深度应符合设计规定。电杆基础坑深度的允许偏差为+100mm、( )mm 。
A.-100 B.-80 C.-60 D.-50 [单项选择]苯妥英钠的代谢为()。
A. O-脱甲基化 B. ω-1的氧化 C. N-脱异丙基化 D. 苯环的羟基化 E. 生成酰氯然后与蛋白质发生酰化 [判断题]运行中如发生故障须上车顶检查时,必须断电降弓,按规定办好停电手续,验电接地后,穿戴好绝缘防护用品方准登顶作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不符合病例对照的定义和内涵?()
A. 选择患有某病和未患有某病的人群为研究对象 B. 调查病例组与对照组既往暴露于某个或某些危险因素的情况 C. 分析相对危险度、特异危险度和暴露人年等指标 D. 探讨病例组与对照组之间对某些因素暴露的差别 E. 概括和检验病因假说 [判断题]配电室一般缺陷是指凡不符合有关技术标准规定,尚能坚持安全运行的设备缺陷。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交