Passage 1
For years, astronomers straggled to calculate the age of the universe. Estimates ranged from 10 to 20 billion years old, a frustratingly large spread. But that was before the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, named after the astronomer whose discovery 70 years ago began the quest to learn the universe's age. Edwin Hubble found that the galaxies (星系) within the universe are speeding away from each other at a rate proportional to their distance. That expansion rate----the Hubble constant (常数)----is the key to calculating the age and size of the universe. But pinning down the constant requires precise measurements of the distances to far-flung galaxies. In May, a team led by Wendy Freeman of the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, D. C., announced the result of eight years of Hubble measureme A. Hubble Measurements B. Galaxies within the Universe C. The Universe’s Age D. Era of Precision Cosmology [多项选择]遗嘱作为一种民事法律行为,只有具备一定的条件,才具有法律效力。该条件包括()。
A. 遗嘱人订立遗嘱时必须具有立遗嘱能力 B. 遗嘱必须是遗嘱人的真实意思表示 C. 遗嘱的内容必须合法 D. 遗嘱的形式必须符合法定的形式要件 [单项选择]在事故处理过程中,现场救援指挥时应做的第一件事是()。
A. 消除事故的后果 B. 向上级有关部门进行汇报 C. 迅速控制危险源 D. 立即组织营救受害人员 [判断题]外汇储蓄账户可以用于外汇存取,不能进行转账。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Skip that third helping of roast beef, save the planet and do your heart a favor at the same time.
That’s the advice of Alan Dangour of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and colleagues who (47) the livestock industry’s potential to help the UK reduce its carbon emissions to half of 1990 levels by 2030, and the knock-on effect on the nation’s health. They found that the industry could reduce its emissions, but only if the livestock the UK produces, and the meat the nation (48) , drops by 30 per cent. Farms must also optimize(最优化) their energy (49) by, for example, capturing carbon in animal waste. The health pay-off would be (50) : 18,000 fewer people would die prematurely in the UK each year from heart attceks--a(n) (51) of 17 per cent--as they would eat less of the fats found in meat. The effect would not be limited to rich nations. The team found that Brazil could (52) [多项选择]以下哪些治疗可应用于SAH()
A. EACA B. 尼莫地平 C. 肠溶阿司匹林 D. 缓泻剂 E. 甘露醇 [简答题]什么是自检?
A. 打开内部流量控制 B. 关闭内部流量控制 C. 关闭ABIS接口流量控制和TCH流量控制 D. 打开ABIS接口流量控制和TCH流量控制 [单项选择]关于呼吸运动的说法错误的是
A. 正常男性以腹式呼吸为主 B. 正常女性以胸式呼吸为主 C. 肺或胸膜疾病可使胸式呼吸减弱而腹式呼吸增强 D. 腹膜炎、大量腹水则腹式呼吸减弱而代之以胸式呼吸 E. 正常儿童以胸式呼吸为主 [单选题]吸收最慢的是:
A.口服给药 B.肌肉注射 C.静脉注射 D.经皮给药 [多项选择]资产评估报告的附件的内容有( )。
A. 评估资产的汇总表与明细表 B. 评估方法说明和计算过程 C. 与评估基准日有关的会计报表 D. 被评估单位占有不动产的产权证明文件、评估机构和评估人员资格证明文件的复印件 [多项选择]儿童社会工作的理论基础有()。
A. 儿童生物学 B. 儿童心理学 C. 儿童行为学 D. 儿童教育学 E. 儿童社会学 [单选题] PowerPoint 2010演示文稿中,“主题”组在功能区的( )选项卡中。
A.开始 B.设计 C.插入 D.动画 [单选题]下列关于个人消费类贷款的表述,错误的是( )。
A.商业助学贷款实行“部分自筹、有效担保、专款专用和按期偿还”的原则 B.个人汽车贷款可以用于购买以盈利为目的的汽车 C.个人耐用消费品贷款通常由银行与特约商户合作开展 D.国家助学贷款的风险补偿金由财政承担 [单选题]使用红外热像仪检测表面光亮的金属,下列哪个措施是无效的(____)。
A.将表面打毛 B.在表面贴胶带 C.改变测量角度 D.使用接触式温度计进行比对,修改发射率 [单选题]___不属于辅助室。
A.显示信号机 B.空气压缩机组 C.通风机组 D.变流柜 [单选题]未列入工作计划的临时计划,在全体作业人员知晓危险点和控制措施的情况下,可以进行作业,无需通知设施运维单位。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]对公客户经办人办理大额存单认购,需提供()。( )
A.经办人有效身份证件 B.《绍兴银行大额存单认购申请书》 C.开户许可证 我来回答: 提交