The U.S. birthrate began to decline in
the middle 1950’s, resulting in a smaller College age population starting in the
middle 1970’s. Something else happened in the 1970’s: the price of oil increased
tremendously, driving up the price of almost everything and making Americans
aware that their large automobiles used a lot of gasoline. At the same time,
foreign car manufacturers had begun to produce small fuel efficient cars in
large quantities for the export market. Suddenly, the large, gas guzzling
American cars were no longer attractive to American buyers, who began buying
foreign cars by the thousands. The American automobile industry went into a
recession. Thousands of automotive workers were laid off, as were thousands of
people in industries indirectly connected with the auto industry. People who are
laid off tend to keep A. small B. gas consuming C. fuel efficient D. not attractive [单选题]审计人员对于应收账款账龄分析,下列说法正确的是()。
A.账龄越长,发生坏账的可能性越小 B.通过账龄分析可以确定应收账款的存在性 C.若审计人员未能取得被审计单位编制的账龄分析表,可以自行编制 D.对于账龄超过三年的,要立即转作坏账处理 [多选题]在电缆直埋过程中如路径上如遇到虫鼠危害,应采用保护措施的是(____)。
A.采用电缆沟敷设 B.换土并隔离,或与相关部门联系,征得同意后绕开 C.屏蔽或加套陶瓷管 D.加保护管或其他隔离保护等 [单选题]接闪器应设置专用雷电流引下线,材料宜采用4 x 40的镀锌扁钢。单管塔避雷针接地采用 ( ) 平方毫米铜芯钱,单管塔避雷接地需要采用法兰间 跳线连接.
A.32 B.45 C.95 D.100 [判断题]铁路局集团公司轨道检查车,对允许速度大于120 km/h线路每月检查不少于2遍(含中国铁路总公司轨道检查车检查)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]航次租船下,如果船长递交NOR时船舶尚未做好装卸准备,则NOR视为自始至终无效。( )
[多选题]( )、( ),不能保证所有作业人员都能在作业主体单位防护人员防护范围内的,作业主体单位应提前在例会中说明,由配合单位单独设置驻站联络员、现场防护员。
A.作业组数多 B.作业范围大 C.施工困难 D.位置偏僻 [单项选择]脓肿切开后建立引流时不需考虑的因素有
A. 脓肿位置 B. 脓腔大小 C. 脓肿的深浅 D. 脓肿的致病菌 E. 脓肿形成的时间 [单选题]YD07CG011239根据《南方电网公司业扩管理办法》,供电企业建立()业扩报装业务流程,并安排专人提供业扩报装全过程服务,缩短办电周期。
A.重要客户 B.大客户及重要客户 C.大客户 D.一般客户 [单选题]起重时,找准受力位置,气垫受力面塞入物体下部必须在总面积()以上;严禁重叠使用不带重叠连接装置的起重气垫;起重车辆时,要做好车辆固定防滑措施。
A.50 % B.60% C.75% D.90% [单项选择]集尘板呈()状,为了减少灰尘的二次飞扬和增加极板的刚度,通常把断面轧制成不同的凸凹槽型。
A. 板 B. 星 C. 凸 D. 凹 我来回答: 提交