TRADING PLACES Susan Robinson looks at job swapping, a staff development plan in which employees exchange jobs for a short period. According to a recent survey 69% of people would prefer to work for a boss who offers training and learning in the workplace. One increasingly popular project is job swapping, which gives an insight into the daily challenges facing different people in different roles. Jane Brown is a divisional manager with Parker Bridge Ltd, and she recently swapped jobs with salary controller there. Both were then able to appreciate the problems and pressures of each other’s roles far more clearly. Brown says, "I now ha [单选题]为了便于换刀,镗铣类数控机床的主轴孔锥度是( )。
A.莫氏锥度 B.自锁的 7:24 的锥度 C.不自锁的 7:24 的锥度 D.任意锥度都可以 [单项选择]设备监理工程师应在接到承包商索赔报告之日起()日内,作出索赔处理决定书。
A. 14 B. 28 C. 7 D. 35 [单选题]女孩,9 岁,发热 4 天,双耳垂下肿痛 3 天,呕吐 1 次来诊。体检:体温 38.4℃,神志清,双侧腮腺 4cmx4cm,有压痛,咽红, 腮腺管口有红肿,心.肺未发现异常,为流行性腮腺炎,该 病最常见的并发症是:
A.脑膜脑炎 B.睾丸炎 C.中耳炎 D.心肌炎 E.肺炎 [单选题]党参因其补气力较弱,故多用于()
A.燥热 B.寒湿 C.气虚 D.清热 [判断题]救援列车清客作业一般限时2min,2min内无法清客完毕,可带客前往救援,再按行调指令退出正线前完成清客。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )在热力循环中采用给水回热加热后,热耗率是_____的。
A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 [单项选择]血红蛋白尿外观呈()。
A. 乳白色 B. 浓茶色 C. 鲜红色 D. 淡绿色 E. 淡黄色 我来回答: 提交