请根据下面的短文回答第66-70题 American doctors say that mothers who smoke before their babies are born may slow the growth of their babies’ lungs. They say reduced lung growth could cause the babies to have breathing problems and lung illness later in life. Doctors in Boston, Massachusetts studied 1,000 children. The mothers of some of the children smoked, the other mothers did not. Doctors found that the lungs of the children whose mother smoked were 8% less developed than the children whose mothers did not smoke, and that the children whose mothers smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing illness than other children later in life. Another recent study found that children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked. The study also showed that the danger of lung cancer increased only for sons and not for daughters, and that t [单项选择]焊钉焊接后应进行弯曲试验检查,焊钉弯曲( )后用角尺检查和观察检查。
A. 30° B. 20° C. 60° D. 45° [多选题]加强安全生产立法,制定《安全生产法》的必要性,主要体现在( )。
A.它是依法加强监督管理,保证各级安全监督管理部门依法行政的需要 B.它是依法规范安全生产的需要 C.它是制裁安全生产违法行为,保护人民群众生命和财产安全的需要 D.它是建立健全我国安全生产法律体系的需要 [多选题]合理用药原则包括:
A.明确诊断,针对适应证选药,还要排除禁忌证 B.用多种药物合用,尽量采用“撒网疗法” C.用药必须个体化,不能单纯公式化 D.祛邪扶正并举 [填空题]牙周炎的主要组织病理学变化是()形成和牙槽骨吸收。
[单选题]各单位每年要将( )内容纳入相关培训班进行贯宣学习,强化安全红线日常学习,确保全体干部职工熟悉并掌握安全红线内容。
A.安全知识 B.安全规章 C.安全条例 D.安全红线 [单选题]地闪梯级先导通道直径为( )。
A.100 m-200m B.20 m-30 m C.40 m-70 m D.1 m-10 m [判断题]用人单位多处场所都涉及同一职业病危害因素的,应在每个此类工作场所设置相应的警示标识。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 单位和个人可酌情减免应收电费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据儿童Crohn病活动指数的判断标准,不活动的积分应为()
A. ≤10 B. ≤20 C. ≤30 D. ≥11 E. ≥30 [多选题]《党章》规定,党的各级领导干部必须信念坚定、( )。
A.为民服务 B.勤政务实 C.敢于担当 D.清正廉洁 [单选题]患者男性,64岁。突感心前区憋闷,有严重窒息感,伴恶心、呕吐及出冷汗,休息及含服硝酸甘油不能缓解,最可能是
A. 急性胰腺炎 B. 急性胆囊炎 C. 心绞痛 D. 急性心肌梗死 E. 心肌炎 [单选题]商业银行制定产品政策、客户管理和营销政策的前提是( )。
A.市场细分 B.产品定位 C.银行形象定位 D.目标市场分析 [填空题]我院在 ()70多家单位业绩评选中名列前茅,荣获优秀会员单位称号。
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