The beginning of what was to become the
United States was characterized by inconsistencies in the values and behavior of
its population, inconsistencies that were reflected by population,
inconsistencies that were reflected by its spokesmen, who took conflicting
stances in many areas, but on the subject of race, the conflicts were
particularly vivid. The idea that the Caucasian race and European civilization
were superior was well entrenched in the culture of the colonists at the very
time that the "egalitarian" republic was founded. Voluminous historical evidence
indicates that, in the mind of the average colonist, the African was a heathen,
he was black, and he was different in crucial philosophical ways. As time
progressed, he was also increasingly captive, adding to the conception of
deviance. The African, therefore, could be just A. emphasize his admiration for the early Americans B. ridicule the idea of democracy C. remind the reader of the principles of the new nation D. underscore the fact that equality did not extend to everyone [单项选择]石苇散用治于
A. 热淋 B. 石淋 C. 气淋 D. 血淋 E. 膏淋 [单项选择]意外伤害保险的未到期责任准备金可以按( )计算,与财产保险相同。
A. 生命表、利息率 B. 被保险人年龄、已保年限 C. 当年保险费收入的一定百分比 D. 保险金额 [判断题]起下钻时发生井涌,应迅速将钻具全部起出,然后关井。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速铁路施工作业和应纳入天窗的维修作业应在( )进行。
A.天窗内 B.昼间 C.夜间 D.天窗外 [不定项选择题]患者,男性,36岁,下唇糜烂半年、检查:下唇唇红部有1cm×1cm红色区,中央微凹陷,边缘隆起,内侧有放射状白色短条纹,口腔内未见病损。
下列哪项不是该病的病理表现 ( )
A.固有层淋巴细胞带状浸润 B.棘层变薄 C.胶原纤维变性 D.出现上皮角质栓 E.出现胶样小体 [单项选择]对建设工程项目结构主要部位(如桩基、基础、主体结构)除了常规检查外,在分部工程( )进行监督。
A. 建设时 B. 结束时 C. 即将结束时 D. 验收时 [单选题]( )抓斗有一个可伸缩的折叠式导杆做导向,可以保证成槽的垂直度。
A.走管式 B.悬吊式 C.导板式 D.倒杆式 [判断题]中共二大第一次提出明确的反帝反封建的民主主义革命纲领。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]何为SID-8BT-A型备用电源快切装置的并联自动切换?
A. 胸膜间皮细胞瘤 B. 大叶性肺炎 C. 充血性心衰 D. 结核性胸膜炎 E. 肝硬化 [判断题]从业人员和生产经营单位可根据自身或企业财政状况适当调整工伤社会保险赔付和民事赔偿的金额标准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Vitamins are organic compounds necessary, in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man.
They do not provide energy, ________ do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for ________ foods into energy and body maintenance. There are thirteen or more of them, and if ________ is missing a deficiency disease becomes ________ .
Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements―usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and ______ nitrogen. They are different ______ their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin ______ one or more specific functions in the body.
________ enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for ________ vitamins. Many people, ________ , believe in being on the "safe side" and thus take extra vitamins. However, a well-balanced diet will usually meet all the body’’s vitamin needs.
A. A.undertakes B.holds C.plays D.performs [单项选择]光缆布放的瞬间最大张力不超过光缆允许张力的()%(指无金属内护层的光缆)。
A. 100 B. 95 C. 90 D. 85 [判断题]氢气是一种无色、无味、易燃易爆的气体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]体育测量的客观性
[单项选择]缺铁性贫血病人口服补铁剂治疗后有效的表现先是( )
A. 血清铁上升 B. 血清铁蛋白上升 C. 网织红细胞上升 D. 血红蛋白上升 E. 红细胞平均体积恢复正常 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第15.2.10条规定:开断电缆前,必须与电缆图纸核对是否相符,并使用专用仪器确定作业对象电缆停电后,用( )的铁钎或电缆试扎装置扎入电缆芯后方可作业。
A.带绝缘柄 B.接地的带绝缘柄 C.接地的带金属柄 D.带金属柄 [单项选择]汉钟离到人间传授法术,指导人们如何“点石成金”。人们蜂拥而来求艺,唯独吕洞宾问道:“点石成金之后,金子还会变成石头吗”汉钟离答道:“会,但那是三千年以后的事情了。”吕洞宾大惊失色:“如果有人三千年后本想靠着一块金子来度日,但金子却变成了石头,那岂不是害了人家!这法术万万学不得!”吕洞宾拒绝学习“点石成金”的法术——他刚一拒绝便成了仙。
这个故事的寓意是( )。 A. 拒绝捷径 B. 轻视名利 C. 己欲立则立人,己欲达则达人 D. 仁者爱人 [单选题]《保安服务管理条例》自()起施行。
A.2009年1月1日 B.2009年5月1日 C.2010年1月1日 D.2010年5月1日 [判断题]在美国,PC是政治正确的意思他是不成文的法律。
[多选题]下列哪些行政案件属于中级人民法院管辖( )
A.被告为县级以上人民政府的案件 B.经复议但复议机关维持了原具体行政行为的案件 C.重大涉外或者涉及台湾地区的案件 D.对海关所作行政处罚不服起诉的案件 [单选题]某女性患者,33岁,孕1产0,孕9周,早孕反应较重,恶心呕吐,进食不良,精神不佳,心理忧虑。尿频尿急,经检查排除真菌、滴虫、衣原体等感染,晚间睡眠不佳。关于患者尿频尿急、睡眠不佳,给予的护理措施不包括( )。
A.睡前用梳子梳头 B.放松情绪 C.抗生素治疗 D.每日坚持户外活动 E.喝热牛奶 [单选题]当火势突破建筑屋顶时,应采取的灭火措施是( )
A.利用消防水炮、高喷消防车向起火建筑射水,阻止火焰外窜。 B.加强排烟 C.放弃内攻 D.增强内攻力量 我来回答: 提交