Peter Fern was mad on mount. Climbing
was the core of his life. Church towers, seaside cliffs, or ice mountains,
anything - "If it’s there" he used to say, "then I want to climb it." So the
news of his marriage gave me a surprise. I’d never known him to take much
interest in girls. Well, well, Peter Fern was a married man! I couldn’t get over
it. I wondered whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky adventures
(冒险). From Chamonix he climbed Mont Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and one of the Aifuilles the day after! That was it, then: she was French, from a family, most of whom like climbing. No doubt. No other explanation (解释). A month later I met them both in town. Anna surprised me because she was English. She was a dancer in the theatre. "I never climbed more t A. Peter was afraid of climbing B. Peter had no interest in mountains C. Peter was fond of climbing D. Peter got angry at mountains [多项选择]在选题实施方面,互联网出版与电子出版大致相仿的有()等。
A. 发稿方式 B. 素材收集 C. 样品检查 D. 界面设计 E. 编辑集成 [单选题]从事来料加工委托加工业务的出口企业,在取得加工企业开具的加工费的普通发票后,应在加工费的普通发票开具之日起至次月的增值税纳税申报期内,填报《来料加工免税证明申请表》,提供正式申报电子数据及相关资料向主管税务机关办理()。
A.《进料加工免税证明》 B.《来料加工免税证明》 C.《来料加工免税核销证明》 D.《出口货物转内销证明》 [单项选择]装置引蒸汽时防止“水击”的方法()。
A. 迅速开启蒸汽阀 B. 先开低点放空阀放尽冷凝水;再缓慢开启蒸汽阀 C. 开蒸汽阀时关闭放空阀 D. 先开蒸汽阀再打开末端放空阀 [多项选择]金融市场部门的职责中的资金运营管理职责包括严格执行各项资金业务管理制度及操作规程,按规定办理货币市场资金交易的()等相关工作。
A. 业务报批 B. 合同签订 C. 收划款通知 D. 债券交割结算 E. 资金交易档案管理 [填空题]消息主体的四个功能是()、()、()和()。
[单选题]SS4型电力机车段修技术规程要求,TCK7F型电空接触器动、静触头超程应为( )。
A.5~10mm B.6~12mm C.7~14mm D.8~16mm [判断题]等电位作业人员在作业中禁止用酒精、汽油等易燃品擦拭带电体及绝缘部分,防止起火。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交