{{B}}Temperature{{/B}} Three scales of temperature, each of which permits a precise measurement, are in concurrent use: the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales. These three different temperature scales were each developed by different people and have come to be used in different situations. The scale that is most widely used by the general public in the United States is the Fahrenheit scale. In 1714, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a German physicist who was living in Holland and operating an instrument business, developed a mercury-in-glass thermometer and the temperature scale that still carries his name. His original scale had two fixed points: 0°was the lowest temperature that he could achieve in a solution of ice, water, and salt, and 96°was what he believed was the normal te A. introduce a discussion of the areas of the world where the Celsius scale is used. B. argue for the need for a standard measure of temperature throughout the world. C. provide an example that demonstrates the effectiveness of the Celsius scale. D. relate the widespread use of the Celsius scale to the previously mentioned limited use of the Fahrenheit scale. [填空题]进入站台的作业车辆及移动小机具、小推车不影响旅客乘降,不堵塞通道,不侵入安全线;行驶或移动时,不与本站台的列车同时移动,不侵入安全线,速度不超过___。
A.待岗1个月 B.工资降一档 C.扣发三个月奖金 D.待岗3个月 [单选题]动车组调车作业时,由动车所调度员根据线路实际情况,确认进路后,按规定及时调整信号灯显示为()色。
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A.伤口周围皮肤捻发音 B.明显的进行性贫血 C.分泌物涂片有革兰阳性杆菌 D.X线检查伤口肌群间有气体 [单项选择]城乡规划的实施应当根据当地经济社会发展水平量力而行,是城乡规划实施管理基本原则中()原则的内容。
A. 法制化 B. 科学合理性 C. 程序化 D. 公开化 [单选题]某公司某月经营活动的现金净流量为150万元,投资活动的现金流入量为35万元,现金流出量为15万元,融资活动的现金净流量为130万元,则该公司该月的现金净流量为()万元。
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A.95566 B.96655 C.96533 D.95633 [多选题]健康教育的目的是:( )
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A. 10%葡萄糖酸钙10ml B. 氢化可的松10ml C. 25%葡萄糖20ml D. 25%氯化钙25ml E. 5%碳酸氢钠50ml [填空题]HXD3电力机车牵引通风机设在机车机械室地板支架上,由( )向主电动机送风。
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A.≥1 B.≤1 C.≥2 D.≤2 [单选题]高速铁路维修天窗作业销记后,( )须按照维修作业结束的实际操作方式相互确认区间空闲。
A.两端站 B.中间站 C.上行站 D.下行站 [简答题]图中所示标志为( )。2
[单选题]金融机构判断该线索涉嫌犯罪,为及时有效地阻止和打击犯罪,应当及时以书面形式向( )报告,并同时报中国人民银行当地分支机构,以便协助公安机关开展侦查工作
A.金融机构上一级机构 B.金融机构总部 C.中国银行业监督管理委员会 D.当地公安机关 我来回答: 提交