工程中标后,施工企业负责人考虑到同城区的B工程已临近竣工阶段(正在进行竣工预验收和编制竣工验收资料),经征得A、B工程建设单位同意,选派B工程项目经理兼任 A工程的项目经理工作。
Since the auto is the main source of
travel in America and distances between major cities are far, a common way of
getting around the country is by hitchhiking. Although it is not illegal, law
enforcers(执行者) and ’most people in authority, especially school administrators,
try to discourage people, especially the young, from traveling this way. Most
people, however, are aware of the dangers which one can encounter by hitchhiking
but the money saved by doing so is often just a compensation for the risk
involved. The hitchhiker usually stands at the entrance ramps(坡道) of highways or along the road itself with fingers clenched and the thumb of the right hand extended and pointing to the direction of the traffic. This is called "thumbing a ride", an expression coined(创造)in the late 1930s, which is also another name for hitchh A. he must look like a patient B. he’d better do it with his family C. those who drive along may not be a good choice D. a little money should be paid for the extra room [判断题]触电急救应分秒必争,一经明确心跳、呼吸停止的,立即就地迅速用电击进行抢救
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于散剂的特点, 正确的是 ( )
A.是常⽤⼝服固体制剂中起效最快的剂型 B.制法简便 C.剂量可随症增减 D.剂量⼤不易服⽤ [多选题]工作负责人在转移工作地点时,应逐一向工作人员交待()。
A.带电范围 B.安全措施 C.停电时间 D.注意事项 [单选题]基于基层企业及各评价单元(子单元)和风险点进行整体设计形成管理方案,建立( )级目视化看板.
A.厂、车间、岗位三级 B.厂、车间二级 C.车间、岗位二级 D.厂、岗位二级 [多项选择]根据上市公司收购法律制度的规定,下列情形中,属于表明投资者获得或拥有上市公司控制权的有( )。
A. 投资者为上市公司持股50%以上的控股股东 B. 投资者可实际支配上市公司股份表决权超过30% C. 投资者通过实际支配上市公司股份表决权能够决定公司董事会1/3成员选任 D. 投资者依其可实际支配的上市公司股份表决权足以对公司股东大会的决议产生重大影响 [判断题]“对于不具备迂回条件又不能长时间停役的电路,应采取通过架设临时通信电缆、增加临时通信设备等方法
进行临时过渡”是一种有效解决长时间中断重要业务通道的通信系统临时过渡方案。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]隧道洞口缓冲结构设置,应根据列车型号及编组长度、隧道长度及净空有效面积、轨道类型、洞窟附近地形、居民情况,宜采用与隧道衬砌内轮廓相似的开孔减压式钢筋混凝土结构,减压孔面积宜在隧道净空有效面积的()。
A.1/2~1/3 B.1/3~1/4 C.1/4~1/5 D.1/3~1/5 [简答题]什么叫迷信?
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