Passage 1
For years, astronomers straggled to calculate the age of the universe. Estimates ranged from 10 to 20 billion years old, a frustratingly large spread. But that was before the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, named after the astronomer whose discovery 70 years ago began the quest to learn the universe's age. Edwin Hubble found that the galaxies (星系) within the universe are speeding away from each other at a rate proportional to their distance. That expansion rate----the Hubble constant (常数)----is the key to calculating the age and size of the universe. But pinning down the constant requires precise measurements of the distances to far-flung galaxies. In May, a team led by Wendy Freeman of the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, D. C., announced the result of eight years of Hubble measureme A. Estimates of the universe’s age range from 10 to 20 billion years old, a frustratingly large spread. B. The quest to learn the universe’s age began 70 years ago by a famous astronomer named Edwin Hubble. C. The galaxies in the universe stand still, relative to each other. D. The new number of the universe’s age is not quite the last value. [单项选择]以下()不属于见证取样检测的业务内容。
A. 砂、石常规检验 B. 混凝土掺加剂检验 C. 沥青混合料检验 D. 桩的承载力检测 [单选题]境内结算银行和境内代理银行应当按中国人民银行的相关要求接入( ),以报送人民币跨境收付信息。
A.大额支付系统 B.人民币跨境收付信息管理系统 C.国际收支申报系统 D.外汇核销系统 [单选题]异常 CPC 卡统一归集工作每年暂定两次上半年( )月份报送下半年( )份报送。
A.5 月、10 月 B.5 月、11 月 C.4 月、10 月 D.4 月、11 月 [判断题]001 4 1 3
位置检测元件是位置控制闭环系统的重要组成部分,是保证数控机床精度的关键。 ( ) A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes.
People usually communicate by spoken and written language, yet they can also communicate without words and this kind of communication often is more important than getting the content of the message across. Body language falls into this category of communication. Ⅰ. Need for body language 1) When connecting with a person, we have to make it clear how the content of a spoken message needs to be (1) . And how we do this tells something about (2) between people. 2) Often (3) are inadequate for this purpose, and therefore we use body language. — e.g. looking someone in the eyes means something different than not looking someone in the eyes Ⅱ. Functions and features of body language [单项选择]男性,80岁,既往体健,在做晨练后突发左下腹痛1天,且肛门停止排便排气,不伴呕吐。查体:明显腹胀,以左下腹为甚,未扪及肿块,肠鸣音6次/分,直肠指检阴性。首先考虑的诊断是
A. 乙状结肠扭转 B. 小肠扭转 C. 左半结肠肿瘤 D. 肠套叠 E. 肠系膜血管栓塞 [多选题]下列选项中,哪些做法的目的是为了增加复购率?()(1分)
A.会员等级折扣 B.首单免费 C.新客立减 D.积分换购 [单项选择]
A. 加强宣传和教育 B. 积极推动人身保险单通俗化 C. 大力推进信息公开 D. 在农村开展小额保险和农村消费者教育 [单项选择]患者,女,36岁,已婚。半年来每逢经后两乳作胀,腰膝酸软,两目干涩,咽干口燥,五心烦热,舌红少苔,脉细数。治疗应首选()
A. 调肝汤 B. 道遥散 C. 一贯煎 D. 丹桅逍遥散 E. 柴胡疏肝散 [单选题]畅通“()”能源监管热线,加大社会参与监督电力安全生产违法违规问题的力度。
A.12306 B.12123 C.95598 D.12398 [单选题] Ⅱ型呼衰诱因是( )
A.精神紧张 B.呼吸道感染 C.营养不良 D.长期吸烟 E.过度劳累 [单项选择]发明实用新型或者外观设计由( )作出授予专利权决定。
A. 商标局 B. 专利局 C. 工商局 D. 税务局 [单项选择]女5岁,身高85cm,表情呆滞,智力差,甲状腺不大,诊断为先天性甲状腺功能低下。用甲状腺素治疗,下列治疗哪项最合适()
A. 治疗至成年后停药 B. 在儿童期定期调整剂量,终生用药治疗 C. 治疗半年至1年后停药 D. 使症状好转后逐渐减量至停药 E. 治疗停用后有症状时再用药 [单选题]单选题】公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关的()不服,不可以申请行政复议。(1分)
A.行政处罚 B.行政强制措施 C.行政处分 D.行政许可 [单选题]在带电线路、设备附近立、撤杆塔,杆塔、拉线、临时拉线、起重设备、起重绳索与1千伏以下带电线路、设备保持最小不低于( )米的安全距离,且应有防止立、撤杆过程中拉线跳动和杆塔倾斜接近带电导线的措施。
A.1.5 B.2 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]四神丸的组成中有
A. 肉豆蔻、山萸肉 B. 肉豆蔻、赤石脂 C. 肉豆蔻、补滑脂 D. 五味子、山萸肉 E. 五味子、赤石脂 [单选题]张先生,56岁,突发胸骨后压榨性疼痛4h急诊入院,心电图示“急性广泛前壁心肌梗死”。对该患者的护理措施,正确的是( )
A.高热量、高蛋白质饮食 B.低流量持续吸氧 C.协助患者如厕 D.预防便秘 E.指导患者尽早下地运动 [单项选择]按照《旅行社投保旅行社责任保险规定》,国内旅游每人责任赔偿限额为人民币( )万元。
A. 5 B. 8 C. 10 D. 16 我来回答: 提交