Suppose you have a brick and a sponge
which are exactly the same size. The brick and the sponge will occupy the same
amount of space, but they will not weigh the same. If two things are exactly the
same size, but differ in weight, then they have different densities. The one
with the greater weight for the same size has the greater density. The one with
lower weight for the same size has the lower density. Now apply this idea to fluids. You know that water and air expand when they are heated and therefore become less dense. If you poured a cupful of very hot w A. the heavier one has lower density B. the lighter one has greater density C. they have the same density D. they have different density 热门试题:[单选题]大学生小季有较严重的情绪困扰和社交问题。社会工作者小秦在运用心理社会治疗模式对其进行辅导的同时,还推荐并指导小季阅读人际交往方面的书籍,学习沟通技巧。小秦除了扮演治疗者的角色之外,还扮演了()。
A.使能者 B.教育者 C.支持者 D.研究者 [简答题]机械加工厂房发生火灾,内攻人员的安全要求有哪些?
[多选题]正确拨打120包括( )。
A.告知事发的确切地点; B.说明伤害的性质、人数、时间、严重程度; C.描述现场所采取的救护措施; D.确认120没有问题后,在对方放下电话后再放电话。 [单项选择]
IP头和TCP头的最小开销合计为___21___字节,以太网最大帧长为1518字节,则可以传送的TCP数据最大为___22___字节。 21()A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 [单项选择]对于出现喂料不匀使粉碎机转速不稳的情况,应当()
A. 更换电机,减少减速比 B. 更换转子 C. 加强上道工序的除杂力度 D. 加强上道工序管理 [单项选择]有人对“不到长城非好汉”这句名言的理解是:“如果不到长城,就不是好汉。”假定这种理解为真,则下列哪项判断必然为真?()
A. 到了长城的人就一定是好汉 B. 如果是好汉,他一定到过长城 C. 只有好汉,才到过长城 D. 不到长城,也会是好汉 [简答题]对甲硝唑无效或禁忌的肠外阿米巴肝脓肿可选用
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]与本单位内部区域相邻的窗户应安装金属防护栅栏,幕墙玻璃应为防弹玻璃或采取金属防护栏等方式进行实体防护
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于银行业金融机构收缴假外币的程序,以下说法正确的是()
A.A:双人收缴 B.B:当面收缴 C.C:在假币上加盖假币印章 D.D:用专用封袋封装 [单项选择]以下内容不属于算法程序所占的存储空间的是( )。
A. 算法程序所占的空间 B. 输入的初始数据所占的存储空间 C. 算法程序执行过程中所需要的额外空间 D. 算法执行过程中所需要的存储空间 [名词解释]白蛇传
A.搜集临床资料 B.分析综合评价资料 C.提出初步诊断 D.验证或修正诊断 E.制定治疗方案 [填空题]
This site presents a look at the American history of American Indians or Native Americans if you prefer, cowboys and cowgirls and women, guns, lawmen and outlaws, Cowboys’ poems, cowboys’ songs and western recipes, a quiz, rodeo e vents and rodeo gear and even some jigsaw puzzles for you to play. You can send cowboys or American Indians greeting cards.
In our section related to Native Americans or American Indians, you’ ll find information about society, religion, Native Americans wisdom, American Indians arts and crafts and the special places related to their culture. In Native Americans art you’ll read about basket weaving, dance, Navajo weaving buying tips, American Indians jewelry and an introduction into the styles and purchasing of Native Americans pottery. You’ ll also read about the special places that are sacred to Native Americans or American Indians such as Hovenweep National Monument, or the Medicine Wheel in Wyoming or get information about museums of note to American Indians and link to a calendar of powwows in the U. S. You’ ll also learn of the many legends, read about tribal customs and find out about people like Black Elk, Chief Joseph, Cochise, Black Hawk, Crazy Home, and more.
Visit our Cowboys’ .section for the American history of cowboys, their guns, noted lawmen and outlaws. You’ll read a bout outlaws like Billy the Kid, the James Brothers, John Ringo. More outlaws like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the Younger Brothers and more. Read about famous lawmen like Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Bat Masterson. Some lawmen even crossed the line between lawmen and outlaws. And don’ t forget to check out the ladies like Annie Oakley, Belle Star and Cattle Kate. You’ll get interesting facts about cowboys, read songs and poems, and get some western recipes too. Read American history facts about guns. Why are guns called peacemakers Which companies were making guns at that time Ever heard the western slang Judas Steer, boot yard, or acorn calf Hey don’ t forget to read about the many show biz cowboys that graced out televisions and movie houses! Then, finally, you may want to check out the rodeo section where you’ll see links to rodeo events throughout the country, rodeo related gear and rodeo stars.
You’ ll read about some special places, they are(), or the Medicine Wheel.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 隔离式自救器不受外界气体的限制,可以在含有各种有毒气体及缺氧的环境中使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]目前在全世界采用的对物种进行科学命名的方法称为(),是由瑞典植物学家()所创;该方法采用的命名语言是(),命名中第一个词是(),第二个词是(),第三个词是()的缩写。
[多选题]以下对华为有线键盘K150描述正确的是( )
A.金属面盖,CNC切边 B.剪式按键,大键帽 C.2.5mm键程 D.指纹电源二合一 [单项选择]衡量一个教师是否成熟的重要标志之一是()
A. 关注内容选择 B. 关注教学过程 C. 关注个人生存 D. 自觉关注学生 [单选题]我国现场6S管理比5S管理增加了( )管理。
A.整顿 B.清扫 C.素养 D.安全 [名词解释]MHC
[单选题]以下哪项不属于全球通品牌等级?( )
A.全球通钻石卡 B.全球通金卡 C.全球通银卡 D.全球通白银卡 [填空题] 活塞环分为( )和油环两种。
[单选题]社会进步的最终动因在于( )
A.某些个人的意志 B.社会大多数人的意志 C.进步阶级的意志 D.社会基本矛盾的运动 [单项选择]井下发生火灾时,当火源发生在回风侧或网络较复杂时应采用通风方法。()
A. 维护正常通风 B. 矿井反风 C. 风流短路 D. 停止通风机运转 [单选题]绝缘隔板是由绝缘材料制成,用于( )的绝缘平板。
A.隔离带电部件 B.隔离带电部件、限制工作人员活动范围 C.限制工作人员活动范围 D.对带电设备进行操作或测量 [单选题] 真空断路器在使用现场检验灭弧室真空度是否合格的最简便的方法是对灭弧室进行( )千伏的工频耐压试验。
A.12 B.24 C.42 D.72 [多选题]建设现代化经济体系的路径( )。
A.深化供给侧结构性改革 B.加快建设创新型国家 C.实施乡村振兴战略,实施区域协调发展战略 D.加快完善社会主义市场经济体制和推动形成全面开放新格局 [判断题]切割注水适用于小面积稳定分布的油层。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]增值税的组成计税价格包括( )。
A. 到岸价 B. 离岸价 C. 进口关税 D. 消费税 E. 外贸手续费 [判断题]连接导爆索中间不应出现打结或打圈,交叉敷设时,应在两根交叉导爆索之间设置厚度不小于9cm的木质垫板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女,44岁,呕吐、腹痛、每天黏液便4~5次,不思饮食,神疲懒言而就医。检查:体温38℃,皮肤干燥无光泽。护士制定预期目标陈述正确的是
A. 禁食24小时 B. 给予口服止泻剂每日3次 C. 2日后排便次数减少为1~2次/日 D. 卧床休息3天 E. 了解急性胃肠炎发生的机制 [单选题]洗车过程原则上不得后退;特殊情况需后退时,应立即通报(),
A.行车值班员 B.行调 C.车厂值班员 D.车厂调度 [多选题]制定《标本兼治遏制重特大事故工作指南》(安委办〔2016〕3号)的目的是,为认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,( )
A.着力解决当前安全生产领域存在的薄弱环节和突出问题 B.强化安全风险管控和隐患排查治理 C.坚决遏制重特大事故频发势头 D.打击现场习惯性违章行为 [判断题]水工工作除执行工作票制度外,必要时应编制《安全施工方案》。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于道路运输从业人员诚信考核,下列说法正确的是( )
A.道路运输从业人员诚信考核和计分考核周期为12个月 B.诚信考核等级分为优良、合格、基本合格和不合格,分别用AAA级、AA级、A级和B级表示 C.在考核周期内,累计计分超过规定的,诚信考核等级为B级 D.省级交通运输主管部门和道路运输管理机构应当将道路运输从业人员每年的诚信考核和计分考核结果向社会公布,供公众查阅 我来回答: 提交