Many post-80s couples are complaining that going to the movies, shopping or attending parties have become impossible since their kids were born. That’s the way most parents are living their lives, no weekends of their own, no time to visit friends, not even a chance of promotion in their jobs.
Asking help from their parents might be a way out,but problems are that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and that the kids may also become too spoiled by their grandparents.
Then, here comes a solution: families with kids can form a small group, and parents of each family can take turns to look after all the kids in this group on weekends. Thus, other parents can have some quiet time and feel free to do something they’ve been planning for a long time. At the same time, the kids can make new friends and won’t be hanging around their parents all day long. This is baby-pooling.
Senator Barack Obama likes to joke that the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination has been going on so long, babies have been born, and they’ re already walking and talking. That’s nothing. The battle between the sciences and the humanities has been going on for so long, its early participants have stopped walking and talking, because they’re already dead.
It’s been some 50 years since the physicist-turned-novelist C. P. Snow delivered his famous "Two Cultures" lecture at the University of Cambridge, in which he decried the "gulf of mutual incomprehension", the "hostility and dislike" that divided the world’s "natural scientists", its chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists, from its "literary intellectuals", a group that, by Snow’s reckoning, included pretty much everyone who wasn’t a scientist. His critique set off a frenzy of desperation that continues to this
A. posing a contrast
B. justifying an assumption
C. making a comparison
D. explaining a phenomenon
虚拟存储管理系统的基础是程序的 (12) 原理,其基本含义是指程序执行时往往会不均匀地访问主存储器单元。根据这个原理,Denning提出了工作集理论。工作集是进程运行时被频繁地访问的页面集合。在进程运行时,如果它的工作集页面都在 (13) 内,能够使该进程有效地运行,否则会出现频繁的页面调入/调出现象。
(12)处填()。一段 | 二段 | 三段 | 四段 | |
甲 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
乙 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
丙 | 2 | 2 A. 18 B. 17 C. 14 D. 16 [判断题] 冬季车辆过冰河时,应根据当地气候情况和河水冰冻程度决定是否行车,不得盲目过河。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]甲、乙、丙三人共同出资80万元设立了A有限责任公司,其中甲出资40万元,乙出资25万元,丙出资15万元。2006年4月公司成立后,召开了第一次股东会会议。有关这次会议的下列情况中,符合《公司法》规定的有()。
A. 会议由乙召集和主持 B. 会议决定不设董事会,由甲担任执行董事并兼任公司的监事 C. 会议决定设1名监事,由乙担任,任期3年 D. 会议决定了公司的经营方针和投资计划 [判断题] 安全管理负责人负责组织制定本单位特种设备安全管理制度,落实特种设备安全管理机构设置、 安全管理员配备;
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()不是电影作品的作者。
A. 导演 B. 编剧 C. 制片者 D. 摄影师 [判断题]我行反洗钱工作平台抽取的可疑交易,营业机构若存在非本机构交易,需在弹出的案例协查页面,向其他营业机构发起协查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 消防水枪通过水射流形式的选择进行灭火、冷却保护、隔离和排烟等多种消防作业。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交