The Evolution of the Photofit{{/B}} Security technology: A new type of computerised photofit system takes a novel evolutionary approach to generating images of suspects. If you have ever tried to describe someone’s face in detail, you will understand why the "photofit" composite images used by the police look so dodgy. In recent years, computerised "E-Fit" systems have helped improve the accuracy of these images by allowing witnesses to choose from a wider range of facial features. But researchers at the University of Stirling in Scotland found that, despite these improvements, people still have a hard time constructing recognisable faces--especially if there is a delay of more The problem is that people tend to recoguise faces as whole entities, ra A. Giving witnesses a selection of face shapes to choose from before facial features are added. B. Generating facial features after several rounds of selections. C. Combining the images generated by different witnesses or even from a single witness. D. Generating three-quarter angle views of the face. [单选题]对冒用他人身份信息的旅客必须凭( )(代办的还需提供代办人身份证原件)到车站指定窗口办理取票、退票、改签手续。
A.乘车人身份证件原件 B.身份证复印件 C.购票人的身份证原件 D.购票人的身份证复印件 [多选题]现场勘验的具体方法有( )
A.想象勘查法 B.逐层勘查法 C.剖面勘查法 D.复原勘查法 [简答题]多数无所事事的富人免于从事单调乏味的工作之苦,但代价是难以言表的无聊。
Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. (21) the turn of the century when jazz (爵士乐) was born, America had no prominent (22) of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was (23) , or by whom. But it began to be (24) in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution to (25) music. In contrast to classical music, which (26) formal European traditions. Jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, 27 moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s, jazz (28) like America. And (29) it does today. [单选题] 作业人员应具备必要的安全生产知识,学会紧急救护法,特别要学会( )。 (1.0分)
A. 创伤急救 B. 溺水急救 C. 触电急救 D. 高空急救 [单选题]可以将以太网信号通过同轴电缆进行传输的技术是
A.EOC B.WOC C.POE D.AP面板 [简答题]为什么称松花粉不含农药残留物?
[单选题]钢轨顶面上有长度大于30mm且深度大于( )的掉块应判定为钢轨折断。
A.4mm B.5mm C.6mm D.7mm [多项选择]现代科技革命对马克思主义哲学的影响表现在:
A. 证实和丰富了马克思主义哲学的内容 B. 扬弃了马克思主义哲学的基本观点 C. 拓宽了马克思主义哲学的研究领域 D. 推动了马克思主义哲学的进步和发展 [简答题]附图中的电路元器件符号代表的是:
A.客户频繁开立、撤销理财账户 B.客户风险承受能力与理财产品风险不匹配 C.商业银行超过约定时间进行资金划付 D.其他应当关注的异常情况 [简答题]单模光纤和多模光纤的区别。
[单选题] 曾受过( )的人员不得担任人民警察。
A. 行政处罚 B. 刑事处罚 C. 罚款 D. 行政处分 [单项选择]眼球异物定位最主要的目的是()
A. 确定有无异物 B. 确定异物大小 C. 确定异物位置 D. 确定异物性质 E. 确定手术方案 [单项选择]根据财务管理理论,内部控制的核心是( )。
A. 成本控制 B. 质量控制 C. 财务控制 D. 人员控制 [单项选择]在牙周组织切片HE染色,一般不易观察到的细胞是
A. 上皮剩余 B. 成牙骨质细胞 C. 成骨细胞 D. 未分化间充质细胞 E. 成纤维细胞 [单项选择]某小学近段时间突然出现几名学生手、足、口和肛周有皮疹,口腔黏膜出现疱疹,伴有发热、咽痛等,经诊断为手足口病流行,该校立即停课,并对学校宿舍进行全面消毒清洗。对学校宿舍玩具特别是金属物品的消毒最好使用()
A. 次氯酸钠 B. 戊二醛 C. 聚维酮碘(碘伏) D. 过氧乙酸 E. 苯酚 [单项选择]输入设计应该遵循一定的原则,下列不属于输入设计应该遵循的原则的是
A. 保持满足输入要求的最低量 B. 避免重复输入 C. 使输入数据直接满足处理的要求而无须转换 D. 保证输入数据的速度 我来回答: 提交