Questions 46 to 50 are based on the
following passage. In her 26 years of teaching English, Shannon MeCuire has seen countless misplaced commas, misspelled words and sentence fragments. But the instructor at US’s Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge said her job is getting harder every day. "I kid you not, the number of errors that I’ve seen in the past few years has multiplied five times," she said. Experts say email and instant messaging are at least partly to blame for an increasing indifference toward A. More and more students ask her to teach how to write instant messages. B. More and more structural errors are seen in her students’ writings. C. Students are becoming increasingly indifferent to learning English. D. Parents are more demanding as to the teaching content of the school. 热门试题: [单项选择]男性,24岁,剧烈上腹痛3天,曾呕吐2次,发病前有暴饮暴食史,并饮白酒200ml()。
A. 血清淀粉酶 B. 血清脂肪酶 C. 白细胞计数 D. 淀粉酶、肌酐清除率比值(CAm/CCr%) E. 血清正铁血白蛋白 [单项选择]2013年1月1日起,企业对其确认为无形资产的某项非专利技术按照5年的期限进行摊销,由于替代技术研发进程的加快,2014年1月,企业将该无形资产的剩余摊销年限缩短为2年,这一变更属于( )。
A. 会计政策变更 B. 会计估计变更 C. 前期差错更正 D. 本期差错更正 [判断题]向金融信用信息基础数据库提供或者查询信息的机构违反《征信业管理条例》规定,违法提供或者出售信息的,如有违法所得的,由国务院征信业监督管理部门或者其派出机构没收违法所得。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不断增加的高星级酒店供给和现有酒店存量结构很难适应旅游需求变化的需要,这体现了旅游供求在( )上的矛盾。
A. 总量 B. 结构 C. 时间 D. 空间 [填空题]LAA30201带电作业应在良好天气下进行。如遇雷电、雪、雹、雨、雾等,不应进行带电作业。风力大于( )级,或湿度大于( )%时,不宜进行带电作业。
A.缴费归集 B.建立企业年金基金企业账户和个人账户 C.会计核算和估值 D.投资监督 [单选题]在地形、地物影响视线的地方,进站、通过、接近、预告、遮断信号机的显示距离,在最坏的条不得小于( )m。
A.200 B.400 C.800 [单选题]患者男,23岁,安眠药中毒后意识模糊不清,呼吸微弱,浅而慢,不易观察,护士应采取的测量方法是
A.以1/4脉率计算 B.测脉率后观察胸腹起伏次数 C.听呼吸音响计数 D.用手感觉呼吸气流通过计数 E.用少许棉花置于病人鼻孔前观察棉花纤维飘动次数计算呼吸频率 [单选题]HSV-2在人体内的潜伏部位是 ( )
A. 口腔粘膜毛细血管内皮细胞 B. 疱疹复发部位淋巴结 C. 迷走神经节 D. 三叉神经节 E. 骶神经节 [多选题]高压设备发生接地时,室内人员应距离故障点( )以外,室外人员应距离故障点( )以外
A.2m B.4m C.6m D.8m [简答题]对于献血国家有什么法规?
[单项选择] Section A Directions: Read through the following passage and then decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Circle the correct choice for each blank.