Paragraph 1 People are being lured (引诱) onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service, without realizing they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.
Paragraph 2 Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Facebook, because people don’t really know what their personal data is worth.
Paragraph 3 The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on, you could keep everything private. That was the great thing about Facebook—you could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things—your city, your photo, your friends’ names—were set, by default (默认), to be shared with everyo
A. To render better service to its users.
B. To conform to the Federal guidelines.
C. To improve its users’ connectivity.
D. To expand its scope of business.
应选择何种处理( ) Politically, the nations of the world
will become more tightly integrated because of rapidly improving
telecommunications and transportation. A global culture will develop rapidly as
the nations colonize each other. The emerging global culture will pick and
choose its clothing style, culinary (烹饪用的) specialties, drinks, games, sports,
customs, and other cultural artifacts from countries everywhere. A network of superhighways will link up the nations of Asia, Europe, and Africa Macroengineers now are talking enthusiastically about a tunnel under the Mediterranean at Gibraltar (直布罗陀) to link Europe with Africa. Construction might start early in the twenty-first century, but financing such a project poses a major challenge. Meanwhile, superhighways will crisscross the Eurasian land mass, allowing residents of Shanghai and Hong A. Cars, space planes, maglev trains. B. Planes, maglev trains. C. Rockets, maglev trains. D. Space planes, maglev trains. [判断题]BD015汽车转向拉杆球节夹得过紧或主销衬套配合过紧,不会造成转向沉重()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]个人健康档案应包括( )。
A.基本情况 B.个人疾病史 C.家庭疾患史 D.膳食史 E.体育锻炼情况 [多选题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局动车组列车旅客运输管理细则》的通知(南铁客〔2017〕76号),《南昌铁路局动车组列车旅客运输管理细则》是根据( )重新修订的。
A.原铁道部《动车组列车旅客运输管理暂行办法》 B.原铁道部《铁路旅客服务质量规范》 C.结合路局实际 D.《行车组织规则》 [单选题]CTCS2列控系统中地面点式信息设备通常称为( )。
A.应答器 B.发送器 C.点式接收器 D.游标 [单选题]四十三、甲不慎遗失其手袋,内有其名贵玉镯一只。乙拾得后,按照手袋内的名片所示积极寻找失主,与甲取得了联系,将玉镯归还给了甲,但玉镯因甲不小心摔落而留有一丝裂痕。
A.A、乙承担赔偿责任,因为属于重大过失行为 B.B、乙承担赔偿责任,因为乙不享有玉镯的所有权 C. C、乙承担赔偿责任,因为乙有妥善保管该玉镯的义务 D.D、乙不承担赔偿责任,因为属于一般过失 [单选题]《关于规范双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风客运应急处置流程的通知》(客管电〔2016〕122号),运行途中,遇双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风时,列车长接到车辆乘务员通知前方停车处理时锁闭全部厕所。关闭原则是()。
A.“逐车闭一” B.“隔一闭二” C.“全车锁闭” D.“逐一打开” [单项选择]依据建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测(调查)结论,结合检查情况,对主要监测结果不符合要求或重大生态保护措施未落实的,应该( )。
A. 可以通过验收 B. 提出整改意见 C. 下达停产通知 D. 提出整改意见,限期治理 [名词解释]分析畜产公害形成的原因?
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交