It is perhaps the hardest reform of
all. Pension systems or energy shortages can be fixed by cutting entitlements or
spending more. But no amount of money can in itself make a million qualified
teachers materialize in less than a generation. That is the aim of the "Alliance
for Educational Quality" launched by Felipe Calderon, Mexico’s president, this
month. To signal its importance, he gathered together much of his cabinet for
the signing ceremony on May 15th with Elba Esther Gordillo, head of the national
teachers’ union. The need for good teachers is glaring. Mexico was placed dead last among members of the Organization tot Economic Co-operation and Development, a club of mainly developed countries, in reading, science and mathematics in December by the Programme for International Student Assessment. Look beyond s A. It will partly improve teachers’ salary in Mexico. B. It will make the teachers totally free by themselves. C. It will change the way of judgment on teachers’ career. D. It will shift all the union’s power to the government. 热门试题:[判断题]动火单位到生产区域内动火时,动火工作票由调控中心签发和审批,也可由动火单位和设备运维管理单位(或工区)实行“双签发”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工用电中,下列选项中不符合配电室与配电装置的规范要求的是( )。
A.A、配电室的建筑耐火等级低于三级,配电室应配置适用于电气火灾的灭火器材; B.B、配电装置中的仪表、电器元件设置应符合规范要求 C.C、备用发电机组应与外电线路进行联锁 D.D、配电室应设置警示标志、工地供电平面图和系统图 [单项选择]香豆素可用碱溶酸沉淀法提取是因为其结构中有( )
A. 酮基 B. 内酯环 C. 苯环 D. 甲氧基 E. 糖 [单项选择]
Contrary to the impression that grandmothers are delighted to help their grown daughters and care for their grandchildren, a study of multigenerational families indicates that many older women resent the frequent impositions of the younger generations on their home and energy. [单选题]动火工作票由()填写。
A.动火工作负责人 B.动火工作许可 C.动火工作监护人 D.动火执行人 [判断题] 民用爆炸物品丢失、被盗、被抢,应立即报告当地公安机关
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电牵引采煤机牵引部传动效率比液压牵引提高近()。
A. 20% B. 40% C. 30% D. 50% [单选题]训练时,必须设置缓冲垫,在()安排专人保护。
A.落点一侧 B.落点及障碍两侧 C.障碍一侧 D.障碍两侧 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Difference between Man and Computer
What makes people different from computer programs?What is the missing element that our theories don't yet1for?The answer is simple:People read newspaper stories for a reason:to learn more about2they are interested in. Computers,on the other hand, don't. In fact,computers don,t3have interests;there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read. If a computer4is to be a model of story understanding,it should also read for a“purpose”. of course,people have several goals that do not make5to attribute to computers. One might read a restaurant guide6order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals,or to 7a good place to go for a business lunch. Computers do not get hungry,and computers do not have business lunches. However,these physiological and social goals give8to several intellectual or cognitive goals. A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find9about the name of a restaurant which10the desired type of food,how expensive the restaurant is,the location of the restaurant,etc. These are goals to11information or knowledge,what we are call-ing12goals. These goals can be held by computers too;a computer13“want”to find out the location of a restaurant,and read a guide in order to do so14the same way as a person might. While such a goal would not15out of hunger in the case of the com-puter,it might well arise out of the“goal” to learn more about restaurants. 5._________ A.success B.sense C.scene D.point [判断题]
DME的脉冲间隔是由脉冲前沿50%幅度点之间确定的。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]民法是调整平等的民事主体之间人身关系和财产关系法律规范的总称。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]2004年5月6日,地处登河某镇的登河餐具有限责任公司经理王成专程到浙江温州某镇,与该地的浙江温州塑料材料厂厂长张君签订了买卖塑料餐具原材料的合同,约定塑料材料厂供给餐具有限责任公司经过检验合格的塑料餐具原材料100吨,价款80万元,货到付款50%,3个月后再付款50%。
[判断题]泵发生汽蚀的原因有两种:一是进口流速过大,二是吸程过高。[易]( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. Mood may be defined (1) a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied (2) any particular circumstance. Moods should be (3) from emotions which are usually more intense, (4) to specific circumstances, and often conscious. (5) one sense, the effect of a consumer’s mood can be thought of in (6) the same way as can our reactions to the (7) of our friends -- when our friends are happy and "up", that tends to influence us positively, (8) when they are "down", that can have a (9) impact on us. Similarly, consumers operating under a (10) mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素) in a direction (11) with that mood state. Thus, for example, we should expect to see (12) in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a (13) {{/U}} manner than they would when not in such a state. (14) , mood states appear capable of (15) a consumer’s memory. [多选题]光学经纬仪主要由( )三部分组成
A.照准部 B.基座 C.放大镜 D.度盘 [多项选择]《巴塞尔新资本协议》中的三大支柱是指()。
A. 外部监管 B. 最低资本要求 C. 内部控制 D. 市场约束 E. 股权分置 [单选题]《动车组列车服务质量规范》儿童票标高线距内端门框约( )毫米。
A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100 [单选题]汇票专用章由省联社根据( )规定的尺寸和式样统一组织刻制。
A.中国银行保险监督管理委员会 B.中国人民银行 C.各地市信用社 D.北京农信银清算中心 [单项选择]时间序列分析主要用于系统描述、系统分析和( )
A. 预测未来 B. 系统集成 C. 功能描述 D. 预测描述 [判断题]滴定各种金属离子的最低pH与其对应lgK稳绘成的曲线,称为EDTA的酸效应曲线。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
女,28岁。因"抽搐、意识不清、高热3天"入院。病程中抽搐表现为双上肢弯曲,双下肢伸直,神志不清,伴有瞳孔扩大,舌咬伤及尿失禁。每次持续5~10min不等,发作间歇期意识不恢复,处于昏迷状态。同时伴有高热,体温达38.2~39.7℃。既往有头部外伤史,入院查体:T:39度,BP:124/67mmHg,昏睡状,查体不合作,双侧瞳孔等圆等大,对光反射可,颈软,四肢痛刺激可见肢体活动,病理征未引出、脑膜刺激症阴性。双肺可闻及散在湿啰音,心腹查无特殊。脑电图示:多发棘波及尖慢综合波。血糖8mmol/L。 脑电图上不是癫痫样放电的波为()。A. 棘波、多棘波 B. 尖波 C. 3Hz棘慢综合波 D. 多棘慢复合波 E. 弥漫性慢波 [判断题]电子检修车间在完成II级测试工作结束后,要经调度指挥中心、现场信号车间复核、维修人员复查,签认良好后方可交付使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]血镁降低见于()
A. 肾功能不全 B. 禁食 C. 腹泻、呕吐 D. 利尿 E. 甲状旁腺功能减退 [单选题]以下属于职务犯罪案件特别是贿赂类案件特点的是()。
A.①②③ B.②③ C. ①③ D.①② [单选题]以下职业性危害因素中,高温、辐射、噪声属于( )。
A.物理因素 B.化学因素 C.生物因素 [单项选择]下列不是大骨节病病因的是()。
A. 地质中的硒水平含量过低 B. 环境中的硒水平含量过高 C. 病区的粮食被真菌污染 D. 病区水中的有机毒物含量过高 E. T-2毒素对机体的作用 [单项选择]已知字符A的ASCII码是0100000lB,字符D的ASCII码是()
A. 010000llB B. 01000100B C. 01000010B D. 0100011lB [填空题]公安机关执法办案管理中心、服务窗口等场所配备的装备( )、( )和( ),应当符合装备使用安全和环境要求。
[多选题] 电缆测井的优势有( )。
A.测井深度精确 B.资料品质高 C. 费用低 D.井眼影响小 [多选题]临时遮栏,可用()制成,装设应牢固,并悬挂“止步,高压危险!”的标示牌。
A.干燥木材 B.橡胶 C.不锈钢 D.其他坚韧绝缘材料 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]以下哪些疾病禁用糖皮质激素类药物()
A. 树枝状角膜炎 B. 盘状角膜炎 C. 真菌性角膜炎 D. 泡性角膜炎 E. 蚕蚀性角膜溃疡 [单选题])以下关于公安机关依法对人民代表大会代表采取强制措施的表述错误的是()。
A.公安机关依法对某县人大代表张某取保候审,应当书面报请该县人民代表大会主席团或者常务委员会许可 B.李某同时担任甲市、乙县两级人大代表,报请甲市人民代表大会主席团或者常务委员会许可后即可采取强制措施 C.公安机关对现行犯赵某先行拘留的时候,发现其是某县人大代表,应当立即向该县人民代表大会主席团或者常务委员会报告 D.公安机关在依法对王某执行逮捕后,发现其是县人大代表,应当立即解除,并报告原决定或者批准机关 [单选题]解决LTE受到DCS基站杂散干扰的可行方法有()
A.LTE基站加装滤波器 B.降低DCS基站功率 C.调整LTE基站天线的方向及位置 D.DCS基站加装滤波器 [单项选择]下列可用于血瘀所致血管神经性头痛的是
A. 复方丁香罗勒油(红花油) B. 叶绿油 C. 薄荷锭 D. 芎菊上清丸 E. 天舒胶囊 [单项选择]血之余是()。
A. 齿 B. 发 C. 肾 D. 脑 E. 膻中 [单选题]HXD1电力机车辅助风源系统压力控制由位于制动柜内U43.02压力控制器控制,其整定值为( )kPa。
A.450—650 B.480—650 C.480—550 [单选题]WORD2010中项目编号的作用是_( )_。
A. 为每个标题编号 B. 为每个自然段编号 C. 为每行编号 D. 以上都正确 我来回答: 提交