Perhaps the most interesting thing
about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change (1)
the years within the same society, how certain behavior and
attitudes (2) considered taboo can become perfectly
(3) and natural (4) another point in time.
Topics such as death, for example, were once considered so (5)
and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with
the (6) of important books such as On Death and Dying and
Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more (7) of the
importance of expressing feelings about death and, (8) a
result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject. One of the newest taboos in American society is the topic of fat. (9) many other taboos, fat is a topic that Americans talk about constantly. It’s not taboo to talk about A. accepted B. accept C. acceptable D. acceptant [单选题] 两套地层关系反映了构造演化过程为下降沉积一褶皱.岩浆侵入并遭受剥蚀一再下降沉积,其接触关系为( )。
A.平行不整合 B.角度不整合 C整合 D假整合接触 [单项选择]最常见的先天性心脏病是
A. 房间隔缺损 B. 室间隔缺损 C. 法洛四联症 D. 主动脉狭窄 E. 动脉导管未闭 [单项选择]He is not a kind-hearted man. ______ people can get on well with him.
A.阿司匹林+阿托品 B.阿托品+杜冷丁 C.阿托品 D.杜冷丁 [判断题]变压器气体保护用于反应变压器油箱内部的各种故障以及油箱漏油等造成油面降低。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. Ellinwood. B. Reuter. C. Hardin. D. The woman. [判断题]配电线路和设备停电后,在未拉开有关隔离开关(刀闸)和做好安全措施前,不得触及线路和设备或进入遮栏(围栏),以防突然来电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]乳腺癌好发于乳房的C 乳晕
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.④ E.5 [单项选择]在煤矿井下使用的煤电钻必须设有检漏、短路、过负荷等综合保护装置。煤电钻的综合保护装置在每班使用前,必须进行一次()。
A. 跳闸试验 B. 外观检查 C. 电压检查 [单项选择]抑郁发作的核心症状是
A. 抑郁心境 B. 思维迟缓 C. 音联意联 D. 思维内容障碍 E. 意志活动减退 [单项选择]腹泻患儿,预防臀红最重要的护理措施是
A. 暴露臀部皮肤 B. 俯卧位 C. 大便后及时清洗臀部 D. 勤换尿布 E. 臀部涂爽身粉 [单项选择]
《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》提出,要规范设置投资准人门槛,鼓励和引导民间资本进人市政公用事业、金融服务、石油产业等领域,不得单独对民间资本投资设置附加条件。这是为了()。 A. ①③④ B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ②③④ [多项选择]卷烟品牌采购流程主要包括()三个方面的子流程。
A. 半年需求预测 B. 半年协议 C. 月度衔接 D. 季度衔接 [判断题]3.170. 第170题
计算基本电费时,对哪类客户选择哪种计算办法不可由用户自行选择。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]城市道路中,红线宽度在40~50m的道路绿地率应该满足以下()要求。
A. 不得小于40% B. 不得小于35% C. 不得小于30% D. 不得小于25% [填空题]每台NEA接入的eNodeB不应超过()台。
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