An investigation of the circulation of
blood in the eyes of diver has produced the strongest evidence that tissue
damage caused by diving is more common and more severe than had been previously
thought. Of the 26 professional divers studied, all had abnormal retinas. None
of the divers taking part in the study had visual problems as a result of their
damaged retinas but Alan Bird of Moorfields Eye Hospital in London said that he
"would not be surprised to find divers whose damage has progressed far enough to
affect their vision". Evidence has mounted during recent years to show that exposure to pressure during diving subtly damages the central nervous system. Doctors believe that the damage is due to obstruction in the flow of blood through the tissues. People who take up diving as a sport know they are at risk of getting "the b A. involves the injection of fluorocein dye into the pupil B. provides graphic information about blood supply to retinas C. causes considerable discomfort to the patient D. none of the above [判断题]依照《安全生产法》的规定,从业人员有权了解作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素,生产经营单位应当如实告之,不得隐瞒和欺骗。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]究其性质而言,计量分类为()计量、()计量和()计量。
[单选题](单选) 平行跑道同时仪表运行按照四种运行模式的不同组合,也可以分为:
A.以上都正确 B.混合运行 C.半混合运行 [判断题]自动空气开关具有过载、短路和欠电压保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述射线探伤适用范围?
[单选题]模拟信号传输在时间上是连续的,把模拟信号转换为数字信号的过程中,用有限个幅度值近似原来连续变化的幅度值,把模拟信号的连续幅度变为有限数量的有一定间隔的离散值的过程叫( )。
A.采样 B.量化 C.编码 D.模/数变换 [单选题]在固体可燃物中,燃点较低、燃烧剧烈的称为( )固体。
A.易燃 B.难燃 C.可燃 D.自燃 我来回答: 提交