Since the industrial revolution,
government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological
progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin
the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations often have profound
economic and social effects. To harness the benefits and minimize the more
harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic
approaches: specific direction, market incentives, criminal prohibition, and
behavior modification. Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to outright state ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology. Market incentives are the deliberate manipulation of the marke A. limit the development of technology in certain fields. B. ban human cloning in developing countries. C. establish more environment-friendly nuclear power plants. D. cut down high-tech crimes which have been prevailing nowadays. [不定项选择题]共用题干
Spoilt for Choice
Some research which was recently carried out in Britain has confirmed what many ordinary shoppers have suspected for quite a long time.Having a______(51)selection of goods to choose from is not necessarily a______(52)to consumers.The average supermarket in Britain has around 40,000 different products on sale at any one time and if you're______(53)of buy-ing a car,then there are actually around 1,600 different______(54)on the market. In one sense,choice is a good thing because it______(55)us to buy those products which best suit our needs.But choice can also______(56)something of a problem.With over 400 brands of shampoo on the market,how does the consumer______(57)hold of the informa- tion necessary to choose between them? For some people the solution is to buy only well-known brands,whilst others are happy to be ______(58)by advertising. There is evidence,______(59),that for some people the ______(60)of choice available to them in Britain's consumer society is actually a ______(61)of anxiety and stress.One man interviewed by the researchers admitted that he had______(62)out to buy his girlfriend a mobile phone for her birthday,but was so ______(63)by the number of different types on offer in the shop that he______(64)up and decided to buy her a bundle(束)of flowers______(65)! 60._________ A.rank B.height C.amount D.volume [单选题]客户 2020 年 1 月 5 日致电 95598 反映,近期一直正常用电,但查询 2019 年 10 月、12 月、1 月抄表电量为 0,客服专员通过系统查询, 发现客户是每个月进行抄表,抄表方式为远采集抄方式,应派发( )。(出处:《国家电网有限公司 95598 客户服务业务管理办法》附件 10,国家电网有限公司 95598 客户服务八项业务分类, 意见业务分类)
A.意见-家电赔偿 B.意见-客户安全用电 C.投诉-用电检查人员服务规范 D.服务申请-电器损坏核损 [单选题]树干圆满,枝叶繁茂,四季常青,为一清雅的园林荫木或行道树,可做樟树之替代品的是( )113
A.天竺桂 B.山核桃 C.四季桂 D.山乌桕 [判断题]急性早幼粒细胞白血病起病初期常表现为弥散性血管内凝血。
[单选题]甲公司向乙银行交付N万元,申请签发银行汇票向丙公司付款。这份汇票的当事人为( )。
A.出票人乙银行,付款人乙银行,收款人丙公司 B.出票人乙银行,付款人甲公司,收款人丙公司 C.出票人甲公司、付款人乙银行、收款人丙公司 D.出票人甲公司,付款人甲公司,收款人丙公司 [单项选择]酸性蓄电池的极板组由若干块正、负极板交错排列,负极板至少()。
A. 1片; B. 2片; C. 3片; D. 4片。 [不定项选择题]根据下列处方选出各成分的作用处方:磺胺嘧啶混悬剂磺胺嘧啶100g氢氧化钠16g枸橼酸钠50g单糖浆400ml4%尼泊金溶液10ml蒸馏水制成1000ml
A.pH调节剂 B.絮凝剂 C.助悬剂 D.防腐剂 E.4%尼泊金溶液 [简答题]同种数罪不并罚。
A. 稍硬、见瘘管 B. 柔软、压痛、表面光滑 C. 大小不等,表面有波动 D. 稍硬、大小不等,相互粘连 E. 橡皮样感、无压痛、不易推动 [单选题] My father works up to ten hours a day.
A. 我的叔叔一天工作多达十一个小时。 B. 我爸爸一天工作多达十个小时。 C. 我的祖父每周工作多达十个小时。 [单选题]不是油气分离器工作原理的是()。
A.重力沉降 B.离心分离 C.碰撞分离 D.化学分离 [单选题]特大桥及病害严重的桥梁,对其墩台均应进行()或位移的观测。
A.强度 B.下沉 C.劣化 D.开裂 [不定项选择题]A.伴随症状
A.父母健康状况 B.主要症状特点 C.外伤史 D.有无冶游史 E.与个人史有关的是 [简答题]在沟通聆听的过程中,需要注意的问题是什么?
[判断题]电力机车运行方向的控制,采用改变牵引电动机电枢绕组的电流方向实现的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](),北京赢得2008年奥运会主办权
A.1999年7月13日 B.2000年7月13日 C.2001年7月13日 [多项选择]图样上的尺寸单位,()是以米为单位。
A. 平面图 B. 总平面图 C. 基础图 D. 标高 E. 结施图 [填空题]东风4c型机车采用( )传递柴油机与静液压变速箱间的动力。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CRH380B型动车组轴箱圆簧由()和()组成。
A.钢弹簧 B.双圈螺旋钢弹簧 C.单层弹簧 D.叠层弹簧 [判断题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》的规定,注册执业人员未执行法律、法规和工程建设强制性标准的,责令停止执业6个月以上1年以下;情节严重的,吊销执业资格证书,3年内不予注册;造成重大安全事故的,终身不予注册;构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 分段绝缘器应位于受电弓中心,一般情况下误差不超过( )。
A.30mm B.50mm C.80mm D.100mm 我来回答: 提交