Cambridge University provides opportunities for educational achievement which are probably unequalled. This is, above all, the place for students with inquiring minds who want to extend their mastery of an educational discipline. The admission standard is high—the great majority of entrants(入学者) have at least AAB grades at GCE A level(or the equivalent), but learning ability is the only quality they all share. Students at Cambridge come from a wide range of educational and social backgrounds. Whatever your background, you yourself have to make the decision to apply, and you, as all individuals, will be considered for admission.
At Cambridge, Open Days are arranged to help you to experience the atmosphere and see the facilities in a College. Admissions and teaching staff will be there to answer any questions about educational matters, your qualifications, life in a college and so on. This would be the moment to discuss your school courses, if they are in any way diff
A. educational backgrounds
B. social backgrounds
C. learning ability
D. smartness
NUMBER{{/B}} The country’s demand for telephones, mobile phones, faxes and the Internet is growing at an increasingly fast rate. In fact, it is growing{{U}} (29) {{/U}}quickly that our telephone numbering system needs re-organizing{{U}} (30) {{/U}}some major changes will have to{{U}} (31) {{/U}}made. These changes, {{U}} (32) {{/U}}, will make the system simpler and easier to use. It is{{U}} (33) {{/U}}an important task that all the UK phone companies are working together to make{{U}} (34) {{/U}}changes. The changes will{{U}} (35) [填空题]有一种假说认为,存在着语言学习的最佳年龄或时期,过了这段时期,语言学习成功的可能性就大大减低了。这种假说称为()假说。
[多选题]台风灾害预警等级为( )。
A. 蓝色预警(24小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达6级以上,或者阵风8级以上并可能持续) B. 黄色预警(24小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达8级以上,或者阵风10级以上并可能持续) C. 橙色预警(12小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达10级以上,或者阵风12级以上并可能持续) D. 红色预警(6小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达12级以上,或者阵风达14级以上并可能持续) [单选题]评估人员询问老年人今天是哪年哪月哪日,是为了评定老年人的()。
A.生活能力 B.工作能力 C.时间定向 D.人物定向 E.认知功能 [单项选择]弯矩绕截面实轴作用的格构式压弯构件在计算平面外的稳定性时,应取换算长细比,并取稳定系数βf=()。
A. 0.8 B. 1.2 C. 1.0 D. 0.5 [单项选择]介导移植排斥反应的主要细胞是
A. B细胞 B. 巨噬细胞 C. T细胞 D. 树突状细胞 E. NK细胞 [单项选择]关于尿瘘,哪项说法不恰当
A. 行膀胱镜检查,可直接了解瘘孔位置 B. 尿瘘患者常合并有尿路感染 C. 亚甲蓝试验,阴道内流出清亮液体,为输尿管阴道瘘 D. 产伤是引起尿瘘的主要原因 E. 产后1周时如发现尿瘘,即行修补 [判断题]收货人:凭领取凭证 领收行李、包裹的人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]目前离心式压缩机的效率一般高于活塞式压缩机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In 2012, Mo Yan became the first Chinese writer _________ won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
A. that B. whom C. whose D. which [多选题]镁碳砖粘合剂的种类有( )。
A.煤焦油 B.煤沥青 C.石油沥青 D.酚醛树脂 [单项选择]From the passage we can learn that ______.
A. THYSSEN is a successful company with many branches B. NESTLE is a company only producing chemical products C. NESTLE asks for good command of English in every position D. THYSSEN needs a senior sales manager to sell its products in Asia [单选题]下列哪类设施可以不装设可靠的防坠器( )。
A.A、升降人员单绳提升罐笼 ;#B、升降人员和物料的单绳提升罐笼;#C、带乘人间的箕斗;#D、升降物料的罐笼 [判断题]机车运行中,由于弹簧的振动,动轴载荷产生不均和变化以及线路状态与线路坡道的大小等原因,均会致使机车粘着重量发生变化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]M1车与M2车之间的连接车钩类型为( )。
A.全自动车钩 B.半自动车钩 C.半永久牵引杆 D.跨接电缆 [单项选择]直流电水槽法,足槽水位一般为()。
A. 达到脚背 B. 达到踝关节 C. 达到小腿下1/3 D. 达到小腿上1/3 E. 达到膝盖 [判断题]根据《海牙公约》的规定,实施劫持航空器行为应看作是包括在缔约各国间现有引渡条约中的一种可引渡的罪行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] IBP盘上对应每个区段设置计轴预复零按钮,同时每个()设置一个总复位按钮和计数器,按钮为白色铅封自复式按钮。
A.区段 B.联锁区 C.车站 D.ZC控制范围 我来回答: 提交