English is a mixture of many different
languages. Because of this, the vocabulary of the English language is very
large. It is much larger than almost any other language in the world. Many English words came from Latin, the old language of Rome, and Greek. From Latin we get words like "wine", "us" and "day". From Greek we have words such as "photograph"," Bible" and "ink". Because these two languages are extinct, the words have more often come through other languages such as French, or the German language. There are also words from both Greek and Latin combined— "television", for example, "tele" is Greek for "far" and "vision" comes from Lation meaning "seeing". Many common English words came from other different places. "tea" is from China, "banana" from West Africa, "potato" from the island of Hati(海地), in the West Indies A. William Normandy conquered England B. Anglos, Saxons and Jutes came to Britain C. Scandinavians lived in the northern and eastern parts of the country D. The Romans stayed in Britain [多项选择]影响药物透皮吸收的因素有
A. 药物的分子量 B. 基质的特性与亲和力 C. 药物的颜色 D. 透皮吸收促进剂 E. 皮肤的渗透性 [单选题](5)在行政诉讼过程中,下列哪一行为人民法院须征得原告同意才能实施?___
A.允许被告改变行政行为 B.通知第三人参加诉讼 C.追加被告 D.依职权作出缺席判决 [单选题]安全生产许可证颁发管理机关应当自收到申请之日起()日内审查完毕,经审
查符合本条例规定的安全生产条件的,颁发安全生产许可证。 A.75. B.60. C.45. D.90. [判断题]在境内取得的经常项目合法人民币收入,凭本人有效身份证件和有交易额的相关证明材料(含税务凭证)办理购汇。无需纳税的,可不提供税务凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]医学伦理的"尊重"原则不包括( )
A.尊重患者的一切主观意愿 B.尊重患者及其家属的自主性或决定 C.治疗要获得患者的知情同意 D.保守患者的秘密 E.保守患者的隐私 [单项选择]对炉前使用的吹氧使用的氧气胶管长度要求()
A. 应大于5米,且和吹氧铁管连接的10米内不得有接头 B. 应大于30米,且和吹氧铁管连接的5米内不得有接头 C. 应大于30米,且和吹氧铁管连接的10米内不得有接头 D. 应大于20米,且和吹氧铁管连接的10米内不得有接头 [单项选择]头痛如裹,肢体困重,胸闷纳呆,大便溏薄,苔白腻,脉濡。治疗方剂首选()
A. 芎芷石膏汤 B. 通窍活血汤 C. 羌活胜湿汤 D. 川芎茶调散 E. 大补元煎 [单项选择]低压厂用电设备选择中,对馈电干线,按启动条件校验熔件额定电流的算式之一是Ie≥SIq/a2中,熔件选择系数a2应取( )。
A. 1.25; B. 1.35; C. 1.4; D. 1.5。 [单选题]单位和个人为开展游艺活动,经批准可以配置口径不超过( )的气步枪。
A.3.5毫米 B.4毫米 C.4.5毫米 D.5毫米 [多项选择]企业在设置会计科目时,应遵循的原则有( )。
A. 相关性 B. 合理性 C. 合法性 D. 实用性 [单选题]以不是复叶的植物是( )。
A.栀子花 B. 重阳木 C. 盐肤木 D. 月季 [单选题]填用配电( )工作票的配电线路工作,可不履行工作许可手续。
A.第一种 B.第二种 C.低压 D.带电作业 [单项选择]铝导线一般只用在档距不超过()的10kv及以下的架空线路上。
A. 120m B. 140m C. 150m D. 160m [判断题] ( )广东菜的特点是用料广博奇异,选料精细,家畜馔肴甚多。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]手提式、推车式灭火器配置应当符合国家《灭火器配置设计规范》要求,灭火器应存放在通风、醒目、干燥、阴凉及便于取用的场所,并不得影响安全疏散,周围()内不得堆放杂物;严禁与油类、酸、碱等有腐蚀性的化学物品接触。
[填空题]It is difficult to give a description of American laws concerning alcohol because they (36) from state to state and city to city. The following, though, may be (37) .
Some towns state that no alcohol is sold at all (38) that they allow the sale of very (39) (3.2 percent alcohol) beer, known as "three-two" beer. Some places do not allow the (40) of alcohol on Sundays, even in shops - you may find a bar (41) over the alcohol shelves. You can see it but not buy it! Other places (42) alcohol to be sold on Sunday afternoons and evenings, but not on Sunday mornings. In many parts of America, you arc not allowed to drink alcohol in a (43) place. That is, you may not sit in a park or walk along a street drinking beer. (44) . And in many states you are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving, or even have an opened alcohol container in the car. (45) . Others are also allowed to s [判断题](47119)( )线路允许速度vmax>120km/h的区段,巡道、巡守人员在砟肩上行走,注意察看线路状态。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电力变压器的电压高,一般其容量一定( )
A.小 B.大 C.不确定 [多选题]关于矿山工程防尘工作的要求,说法正确的是( )。
A.井巷凿岩时,必须采用湿式钻眼 B.缺水地区湿式钻眼有困难的地点可采用干式钻眼,但必须采取捕尘措施 C.风流中的粉尘应采取密闭抽尘措施来降尘 D.装岩时要洒水降尘 E.掘进工作面必须敷设防尘供水管路 [填空题]在正弦交流电路中,在电感线圈的电感电压相位( )。
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