In 1993, a mall security camera
captured a shaky image of two 10-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of
a Liverpool, England, shopping center. The boys lured Jarfies Bulger, away from
his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town. The
excursion ended at a railroad track. There, inexplicably, the older boys
tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and pummeling him
to death with bricks before leaving him on the track to be dismembered by a
train. The boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, then went off to watch
cartoons. Today the boys are 18-year-old men, and after spending eight years in juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release, probably this spring. The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to reintegrate the notorious duo into a socie A. hardly get accustomed to a horrifying general public B. be deemed to become social outcasts after release C. still remain dangerous and destructive if set free D. be inclined to commit a recurring crime [多选题]关于本案,下列说法正确的是
A.当场作出行政处罚决定的执法人员可 以当场收缴罚款 B.依法当场作出行政处罚决定的,行政执法人员可以当场收缴50元以下的罚款 C.执法人员应当在作出处罚决定之前,告知当事人作出处罚决定的事实、理由和依据 D.如果红雨饭店地处交通不便地区,向指定银行缴纳有困难的,经红雨饭店店主要求,执法人员可以当场收缴罚款 [判断题] 根据《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程》JTG E20-2011,对含有水分的石油沥青进行针入度、溶解度试验等试验时,需对试样进行加热直至脱水为止。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产经营单位的主要负责人未履行本法规定的安全生产管理职责的,责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,处二万元以上五万元以下的罚款,责令生产经营单位停产停业整顿。生产经营单位的主要负责人有前款违法行为,导致发生生产安全事故的,给予撤职处分;构成犯罪的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任。
[判断题]( )采用发电车更换柱上变压器作业,为避免低压线路相序错误,应用低压相序表进行多次确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](难)( )党组织可安排哪些人员收取党费( )。
A.党小组组长 B.党支部组织委员 C.党支部书记 D.非中共党员的财务人员 [单选题]《临时用电作业许可证》由( )填写,经部门、分厂审核后,报设备保全处(机电科)负责人审批,电工负责配接。
A.用电单位作业人员 B. 用电单位电工 C. 用电单位负责人 [多选题]下列缺陷中,属于一般缺陷的有()。
A.油浸式电抗器本体呼吸器硅胶筒玻璃破损,硅胶桶玻璃破损,引起硅胶变色加速。 B.油浸式电抗器本体呼吸器油封油过多,呼吸器油封油位超过最高线。 C.油浸式电抗器本体油箱锈蚀,严重锈蚀。 D.油浸式电抗器本体储油柜金属膨胀器破损,金属膨胀器外观破损。 [单选题]一个采(盘)区内同一煤层的一翼最多只能布置()个采煤工作面和()个煤(半煤岩)巷掘进工作面同时作业。
A.1 2 B.2 4 C.2 2 我来回答: 提交