M: Hi, Claire. How does it feel to be back on campus W: Hi, Gee. Well, to tell you the truth, I have mixed feelings. M: Oh, why W: I have this great summer job that I really hated to leave I worked at the wild life research center in Maryland. M: That makes sense for a genetic major. What did you do Clean the cages W: This is a wild life center, not a zoo. This place breeds endangered species and tries to prepare them for life in the wild. M: You mean the endangered species like the tiger and the panda W: Well, endangered species, yes. But not tigers or pandas. I work with whooping cranes and sandhill cranes. I taught the baby crane how to eat and drink, and I help the vets to give medical check-ups. M: I can see it was hard to leave that job. But how did you teach a bird how to eat and drink W: We covered ourselves up with cloth and used puppets made out of stuffed crones to show the baby chicks what to do. Then the chicks copied what the puppets did. M: Cloth Puppets Sounds lik
A. Counting wildlife.
B. Cleaning cages.
C. Training baby birds.
D. Making puppets.
Robert J. Oppenheimer was a
famous American physicist, who directed the (1) of the first
atomic bombs. Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904, and was educated at Harvard University and the universities of Cambridge. After (2) the International Education Board from 1928 to 1929, he became a professor of physics at the University of California and the California Institute of Technology, where he built up large (3) of theoretical physics. He was noted for his contributions (4) to the theory of relativity, cosmic rays, and neutron stars. From 1943 to 1945 , Oppenheimer served as director of the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. His leadership and organizational skills (5) him the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1946. In 1947 he became director of the Institute for Advanced St A. dedicated B. congratulated C. helped D. earned [判断题]钢轨探伤仪故障检修的程序为由表及里.先易后难.从电源到电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在未注明具体要求时,分析用水应符合()级水的要求。
[单选题]在起飞基准1/2页输入了V速度(V1、VR和V2)后,下面哪种数据发生变化时,会引起“VERIFY TAKEOFF SPEEDS”核实起飞速度的信息出现?
A.任何影响到性能计算的重量输入改变都会 B.无燃油重量 C.计划燃油 D.全重 [多选题]构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和平的世界,就要在政治上坚决摒弃()。
A. 相互尊重 B. 冷战思维 C. 平等协商 D. 强权政治 [多选题]以下属于房惠贷调查事项的是()
A.通过面谈、身份证件检验,核对申请人的身份真实性 B.通过线上查询征信报告、社保、纳税或公积金信息等方式确认其身份的真实性,调查借款人是否在中山工作满6个月以上 C.由客户现场通过“中山市不动产登记”公众号个人产权查询查询家庭名下在中山市的住房套数 D.实地调查按揭住房保存情况,尤其关注是否装修、是否用于投资、是否已出租 [单项选择]根据资料证实年在英国报纸的广告上谈到有“桌上网球”的名字()
A. 1864 B. 1874 C. 1884 [多选题]站用交流电源系统验收包括(____)关键环节。
A.可研初设审查 B.厂内验收 C.到货验收 D.竣工(预)验收 [判断题]CCBⅡ制动机实施紧急制动,单阀实施单独缓解即可缓解本机制动,也同时缓解重联机车的制动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]整合的变更控制的输出包括下面全部,除了:()
A. 项目计划更新 B. 工作班子管理计划 C. 教训总结 D. 纠偏措施 我来回答: 提交