Last April, on a visit to the new Mall
of America near Minneapolis, I carried with me a small book provided for the
reporters by the public relations office. It included a variety of "fun facts"
about the mall, such as: 140,000 hot dogs am sold each week, there are 10,000
full-time jobs, 44 sets of moving stairs and 17 lifts, 12,750 parking places,
13,000 tons of steel, and $ I million is drawn weekly from 8 ATMs. Opened in the
summer of 1992, the mall was built where the former Minneapolis Stadium had
been. It was only a five-minute drive from Minneapolis to St. Paul International
Airport. With 4.2 million square feet of floor space--22 times the size of the
average American shopping center--the Mall of America was the largest shopping
and family recreation center under one roof in the United States. I knew already that the Mall A. To show its power of attraction. B. To show that few rich people like to shop there. C. To tell the public about a new movie being made about it. D. To tell people that they have chances of meeting famous stars there. 热门试题:[简答题]机电机房要做好哪六防工作?
[单选题]根据赫茨伯格的双因素理论,工作成就、提升、奖金、责任感等因素是( )
A.保健因素 B.激励因素 C.社交因素 D.安全因素 [多选题]06CG002064.下列相序中的正序是( )。
A.C-A-B B.B-A-C C.A-C-D D.B-C-A [单项选择]制定政府公共关系计划的基本任务是()。
A. 确定目标 B. 确定活动模式 C. 确定公众 D. 编制预算 [单选题]关于菌血症正确的说法是( )
A.细菌侵入血液并在其中繁殖 B.化脓性细菌侵入血液并在其中繁殖 C.细菌在局部繁殖释放毒素进入血流 D.细菌侵入了血流但未在其中繁殖 E.细菌外毒素进入血流 [单项选择]工作中取得成绩时,你想把这个消息告诉( )。
A. 父母 B. 男(女)朋友和家人 C. 父母、老师和朋友 D. 最要好的几个朋友 [单选题]禁止作业人员( )接地线位置。
A.变更工作票中指定的 B.变更 C.擅自变更工作票中指定的 D.改变 [单项选择]具有清热泻火,消肿通便而治疗火毒内蕴之便秘的非处方中成药是
A. 麻仁丸 B. 便秘通 C. 通乐颗粒 D. 清宁丸 E. 以上均不是 [单项选择]体重50kg,肺叶切除手术,历时5小时,其第三间隙液体丢失量为()
A. 1200ml B. 1600ml C. 2000ml D. 2400ml E. 2800ml [判断题]生产经营单位可以与从业人员签订书面协议,如因作业人员违章作业造成安全事故,由其本人承担主要责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1945年12月16日,以( )为首的中共代表团抵达重庆参加政协会议。
A.A、周恩来 B.B、刘少奇 C.C、任弼时 [多项选择]下列关于三相短路时的电动力的说法中,正确的是()。
A. 大小与时间有关 B. 大小与时间无关 C. 方向与时间有关 D. 方向与时间无关 [判断题]应急情况发生在正线时,电客车司机协同各部门做好应急处理工作,电客车司机应尽可能运行至前方站,如不能到达前方站应尽可能在平直线路上停车( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]When a patient's blood pressure is (much) higher (than it) (should be), a doctor usually insists that he (will not) smoke.
A. much B. than it C. should be D. will not [单项选择]设计招标开标时,应由( )说明设计方案构思。
A. 招标人 B. 投标人 C. 总监理工程师 D. 工程师 [单项选择]30CrMnSiA材料的短螺纹小六角头螺栓直径小于8mm表面处理是()。
A. 镀锌钝化 B. 镀镉钝化 C. 钝化 D. 阳极化 [单选题]( )不属于防喷器控制装置蓄能器装置部件。
A.三位四通转阀 B.电动泵 C.气动泵 D.节流管汇液控箱 [判断题]使用“剪切”和“粘贴”命令在两个文档之间移动文本时,必须同时打开这两个Word文档。( )
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]( )是柴油机排放的主要有害成份之一。
A.CO B.HC C.NOX D.碳烟 [判断题]清理突出的煤(岩)时,必须制定防煤尘、片帮、冒顶、瓦斯超限、出现火源以及防止再次发生突出事故的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]承包方(承托方)再次转包的,属于煤矿重大事故隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )行为,即使违法事实确凿,违法行为人无异议,人民警察也不可当场作出处罚决定。
A.赌博数额较小的 B.对有其他违法行为的个人处五十元以下罚款或者警告 C.对有其他违法行为的单位处一千元以下罚款或者警告的 D.张某对违反治安管理行为人或者道路交通违法行为人处二百元以下罚款或者警告 [单项选择]十八大报告提出,我们要持续推进两岸交流合作协商达成两岸和平协议,开创两岸关系和平发展()。
A. 新前途 B. 新战略 C. 新前景 D. 新境界 [单项选择]对严重休克,经一般处理后血压仍不能恢复正常时,应进行CVP的测定,以了解血液动力状态,下列CVP检测方法和其临床意义中,错误的是()。
A. CVP导管可经锁骨下静脉穿刺或颈外静脉切开,插至上腔静脉或右心房 B. CVP低于2~5cmH2O,提示右心充盈欠佳或血容量不足 C. CVP在15cmH2O以上,血压低、心率快,提示血容量仍不足,加快补液速度 D. CVP在5~10cmH2O,血压正常,不增加血容量;血压偏低,缓慢补充液体 E. CVP高于15~20cmH2O,提示右心功能不全或右心负荷过重 [判断题]火灾致死的尸体不存在生前烧伤,并且创口没有生化反应。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]风险
[单项选择] Not many of the elements occur in nature as pure substances, lying around waiting for someone to pick them up. A few do, and it is not surprising that these were known and collected for various uses in societies around the globe as far back as several thousand years B. C. Sulfur is one of those elements. It was known to burn with smelly results and have an odd appearance. Its use was probably confined to religious ceremonies. Carbon was also known since antiquity, because the charred (烧焦的) bones of animals and portions of partially burned trees consist largely of carbon in the form of charcoal. Although we don’’t know all the uses primitive peoples made of charcoal, we do know that it was the key to releasing many other elements from their chemical combination in rocks. For example, if a copper-containing rock was heated in a hot fire with charcoal present, the carbon in the charcoal would combine with the other elements in the rock, leaving free metallic copper. In ways like this
A. Not many elements occur in nature as pure substances, therefore ancient people wouldn’’t pick them up. B. Ancient people found copper, iron, lead, tin and zinc very useful, although they did not consider these to be elements. C. Ancient people discovered elements, found them free or lying around in their natural form and put them to use. D. Sulfur and carbon have been used by mankind for thousands of years, but not much has been known about them. [单选题]接触对直径为2. 5mi11的JL1型集控连接器工作电流为( )。
A.10A B.15A C.25A D.40A [多选题]淬火的目的是为了得到 (___)的组织。
A.奥氏体 B.马氏体 C.贝氏体 D.渗碳体 [单选题]和原有的中压交叉供电模式相比,( )供电技术的最大优势在于,当供电系统在降级模式时,可以配合列车控制系统TCMS,使负载的利用率达到最高。
A.串联 B.扩展 C.并网 D.分段 [判断题]当电缆埋设位置在车行道下时,可以选用PVC管,采用直接回填沙土的埋设方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]主变零起升压的目的是:()
A.检验新主变及其相关的一、二次回路中设备绝缘耐受情况 B.一次、二次接线的正确性 C.测量主变的伏安特性 D.校验主变机械强度 [多选题] 心电监护的导联中五导联( )
A.,右上(RA)胸骨右缘锁骨中线第1.肋间 B..左上(LA):胸骨左缘锁骨中线第1.肋间 C..右下(RL):右锁骨中线剑突水平处 D..左下(LL>:左锁骨巾线剑突水平处 E..胸导(C):胸骨左缘第4.肋间。 [简答题]超声显像最早能检出腹水的部位有哪些?
[单选题](GB/T3805-2008)《特低电压(ELV)限值》中规定,在正常环境下,正常工作时工频电压有效值的限值为( )V。
A.33 B.70 C.55 [判断题]根据《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》,供电车间管辖运营里程宜为150公里左右,枢纽地区宜单独设置。供电车间下设运行工区。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交