Supermarket{{/B}} Most supermarkets need a very large floor area, sometimes at least ten times as big as that of an ordinary shop. There are usually two doors, one as an entrance and the other as an exit. The rest of the side facing the street is largely of plate glass, with goods or advertising material displayed. The other three walls are normally decorated in light colours, giving an impression of cleanliness (清洁)and brightness. Most supermarkets are on one floor only. Goods being stored in rooms at the back or upstairs. At right-angles to the window stretch long structures about six feet high with a number of shelves on each side. Similar shelf units or frozen food containers extend round the wails. Broad aisles(通道)between the shelf units and ample (足够的)space between them and th A. The shopper. B. The customer. C. The cashier. D. The purchaser. [判断题]网点可以自己审批发布信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全管理规定》,各单位的安全生产除接受公司内部监督外,若发生安全生产事故事件,还应按有关规定和权限接受所在地政府安全生产监督管理部门和电力行业监管部门的监督管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]吊装作业及装载加固安全措施?
[多选题] 压缩后的氯气部分回流的主要目的是为了防止氯气压缩机发生( )现象。
A.喘振 B.倒吸 C.气蚀 D.气敷 [单项选择]下列各穴,属于手少阴心经的腧穴是:
A. 少商 B. 少泽 C. 少冲 D. 少府 E. 中冲 [判断题]( )无缝线路钢轨裂纹和可能引起轨头揭盖的重伤,应按照钢轨折断进行紧急处理、临时处理或永久处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我国采用的颜色标志的含义基本上与国际安全色标准相同。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]PCM30/32路系统中,若话音采样率为8kHz,每个采样点用8bit量化,话音为单声道,则复用后的数据率为()。
A. 32kbps B. 64kbps C. 1.92Mbps D. 2.048Mbps [判断题]斗上双人带电作业,禁止同时在不同相或不同电位作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 下列关于多功能担架的表述中,错误的是()。(1.0分)
A. 不得用带油的抹布擦拭,避免长期暴晒在阳光下,以免损坏塑料材料。 B. 使用中可以用吊环直接悬吊担架。 C. 使用后,担架、两侧的绑带、专用的平行吊带和垂直吊绳通常用中性洗涤剂或肥皂水清洗干净,以免损坏塑料材料。 D. 化学事故现场用五年后,担架必须严格按照化学洗消程序进行处理后保存,存有放射性物质场所用完后,使用过的绑带专用平行吊带、垂直吊绳必须更换。 [判断题]变压器吊罩时,应将外罩放置在变压器(电抗器)外围干净支垫上,避免外罩直接落在铁芯上。必要时采取支撑固定等安全措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据南网安规,带电更换架空地线或架设耦合地线时,应通过( )可靠接地。
A.金属滑车 B.接地桩 C.临时接地体 D.搭设接地线 [单项选择]
What difference does it make if we read texts displayed on a computer screen instead of on paper printed with ink The computer certainly does not secure deeper comprehension, greater subtlety of mind, or a wider range of imaginative reference. The mediation of a computer, however, put new powers at the disposal of intelligence. On the one hand, the computer itself can do simple reading — as I have noted, it can "read’an immense body of literature in search of designated words. As anyone knows who has ever spent days in libraries in search of errant information, simply identifying relevant sources absorbs inordinate amounts of time in research. The objection may be raised that a search of texts by computer may block the discoveries that occur while browsing in the stacks of great libraries. No member of the academy need fear that the use of a computer will keep him from the stacks, but browsing is , if anything, easier if texts can be called up on a screen in the [单项选择]加油站经理应对风险的措施是:落实职责,认真()各类业务账、表、册。
A. 登记 B. 保管 C. 复核 D. 填写 [判断题]铁路隧道工程钢筋混凝土保护层厚度:拱墙、仰拱不应小于5cm,底板不应小于4cm,沟槽不应小于3.5cm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列属于一类票务违章的是()。
A. 售票员当班期内身上带有私款或地铁车票(本人员工票除外)。 B. 员工收到乘客丢弃或遗留的车票未按规定上交。 C. 未按要求加封现金和车票,车票和现金的保管不符合安全管理规定。 D. 车站“票务中心”(票亭)的房门未锁闭。 E. 未按规定及时处理长、短款。 [单项选择]工程保险合同是指保险人和投保人在平等、自愿的基础上,为了规范和明确双方的保险权利义务关系,经过协商而签订的( )。
A. 口头协议 B. 协议 C. 书面协议 D. 合同协议 我来回答: 提交