People in the United States in the
nineteenth century were {{U}} (21) {{/U}} by the {{U}} (22) {{/U}}
that unprecedented change in the nation’s economy would bring social
{{U}} (23) {{/U}} . In the years following 1820, after several decades of
relative stability, the economy {{U}} (24) {{/U}} a period of
{{U}} (25) {{/U}} and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of
the nineteenth century. {{U}} (26) {{/U}} that growth was a structural
change that {{U}} (27) {{/U}} by increasing economic diversification and
a gradual shift in the nation’s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing
and other nonagricultural pursuits. Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. A. makeup B. constitution C. structure D. organization [判断题]发出的矿灯应连续使用11小时。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]棒式绝缘子自钢帽处断裂,主要原因是钢帽处有裂纹,在加上其它外力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女性,35岁,做家务时突然发生右下腹痛5小时,伴恶心,近年来有多次同样发作史。检查:腹柔软,右下腹深压痛。尿常规:白细胞少数,红细胞(+++)。诊断首先考虑
A.右侧附件炎 B.急性阑尾炎 C.不完全肠梗阻 D.右侧输尿管结石 E.麦克尔(Meckel'憩室炎 [单项选择]
Considered from the point of view of vocabulary, there are few, if any, "pure" languages. Historically, English has been well -known as a word borrower, but it is equally true that every Western European language has supplemented(增补) its lexicon by adoptions from other languages. In this respect then, English was like the other immigrant languages brought to the New World, and in a broader sense, like every other language that has ever existed. Loan words occur even in the languages of aboriginal peoples. Even Indo- European, the hypothetical(假设的) parent of most of the languages found in Europe today and many of those in western Asia, appears to have borrowed words some 4000 years ago from Finno-Ugric, and to have furnished others in return. In the same manner, American Indian languages soon picked up European words like kabay for "horse," and the international European vocabulary soon had words like canoe, tobacco, and hammock from the Indians. [判断题]乙方负有保密义务的,双方可以订立专项协议,约定竞业限制条款
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]To acquire education is principal way of gaining status in a culture that generally stresses achievement, skillfulness, and upward ______.
A. mobility B. motivation C. ambition D. promotion [单选题]手车式开关柜,小车已推入,开关断开,称之为( )。
A.A、备用状态 B.B、运行状态 C.C、检修状态 [单选题]顺线路行走时,应走两线路中间,并注意邻线的( )和货物装载状态。
A.机车、车辆 B.机车 C.车辆 D.列车 [多选题]广东省高速公路网规划(2020—2035年)以“十二纵八横两环十六射”为主骨架,十二条纵线包括哪些路段( )。
A.梅州大埔至潮州饶平 B.梅州平远至汕尾红海湾 C.河源和平至深圳龙岗 D.韶关乐昌至深圳福田 E.韶关南雄至清远连山 [单选题]由工作班组现场操作时,若不填用操作票,应将设备的双重名称,( )及操作内容等按操作顺序填写在工作票上。
A.设备名称和编号 B.线路的名称、杆号、位置 C.双重称号 D.设备名称 [单项选择]给绩效指标评分时,最易受主观因素干扰的情况为()。
A. 对某些季节性业务按月采集数据 B. 工作交叉现象严重,员工身兼数职 C. 指标预算值设置过低,多数人得分偏高 D. 不同部对某些指标的统计口径存在偏差 [判断题]紫外成像技术主要检测电气设备是否存在表面放电的故障.
A. 温度与光线 B. 温度与气压 C. 温度与湿度 D. 气压与湿度 [单项选择]以下选项中,不是喷码机运行时检查内容的是()
A. 添加剂量 B. 整机清洗 C. 油墨量 D. 喷印效果 [单选题]
体位改变影响静脉回心血量的主要原因是改变 A.外周阻力 B.跨壁压 C.动脉血压 D.心肌收缩力 E.血容量 [单选题]
传导电流大小与()有关 A.导体颜色 B.导体密度 C.导体电导率 D.以上均错误 [多选题]下列属于动车组转向架组成部分的是( )。
A.轮对轴箱装置 B.车体 C.构架 D.牵引装置 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:餐车对旅客供餐时,不在餐车逗留、闲谈、占用座席、可陪客人就餐。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]职业病防治工作坚持( )的方针,实行分类管理、综合治理。
A.安全第一、预防为主 B.预防为主、防治结合 C.预防为主、防护结合 D.健康第一、重在预防 [单选题]风险评价是对系统存在的危险进行定性或定量的分析,得出系统发生危险的可能性及其后果( )的评价。 ( )
A.危险程度 B.完好程度 C.严重程度 [不定项选择题]A.六味地黄丸
A.杞菊地黄丸 B.六味地黄丸合生脉散 C.知柏地黄丸 D.金匮肾气丸 E.糖尿病气阴两虚证,治疗应首选 [填空题]保价率不同的货物按一批托运时,可分项填记货物名称及保价金额,保价费( )计算。
[单选题]中性点接地系统中用电设备的外壳应采用( )。
A.保护接零 B.保护接地 C.即不接地也不接零 D.重复接地 [简答题]中国特色社会主义道路的开创者是:
A.摒弃形式主义 B..自觉按规则办事,规则面前人人平等 C.以创造最优价值为目标 [多项选择]劳动合同的履行,必须遵循的原则有( )。
A. 亲自履行原则 B. 诚实信用原则 C. 全面履行原则 D. 协作履行原则 [单选题](二十九)患者女性,35岁,身高1.65m,体重100kg。
2、BMI中文全称是( )
A.踝肱指数 B.踝泵指数 C.体质指数 D.足踝指数 [单项选择]普通股价格为10元,每年固定支付股利1.50元,则该普通股的成本为()。
A. 10.5% B. 15% C. 19% D. 20% [单选题]根据统计数据的收集方式分类,居民消费价格指数(CPI)属于
( ) A.观测数据 B.实验数据 C.间接数据 D.直接数据 我来回答: 提交