For laymen ethnology is probably the
most interesting of the biological sciences for the very reason that it concerns
animals in their normal activities and therefore, if we wish, we can assess the
possible dangers and advantages in our own behavioral roots. Ethnology also is
interesting methodologically because it combines in new ways very scrupulous
field observations with experimentation in laboratories. The field workers have had some handicaps in winning respect for themselves. For a long time they were considered as little better than amateur animal-watchers certainly not scientists, since their facts were not gained by experimental procedures: they could not conform to the hard-and-fast rule that a problem set up and solved by one scientist must be tested by other scientists, under identical conditions and reaching identi A. are difficult and quick to follow B. must be carried out in a strict and quick way C. must be followed strictly to avoid false and loose results D. hard and unreasonable for scientists to observe [判断题]全列车起动后报点,并进行后部瞭望,确认列车起动正常。单司机单班值乘的不进行后部瞭望。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]>YZ25型硬座客车车端电气连接器,1、3位为插座,2、4位为插头。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在炒昆虫类药物时,以米的色泽变化观察火候,则米应炒至( )
A. 黄色 B. 焦黄色 C. 黄褐色 D. 褐色 E. 焦黑色 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)23.3.5条规定:氧气软管与乙炔软管禁止混用;软管连接处应用专用卡子卡紧或用( )扎紧。
A.软金属丝 B.硬金属丝 C.尼龙扎带 D.塑料胶带 [单项选择]急性鼻窦炎头痛有一定时间规律的原因是:()
A. 窦口位置与体位引流的关系 B. 疾病严重程度 C. 神经调节反射 D. 致病菌不同 E. 精神因素 [填空题]悬浮液在分选设备中能否保持(),是衡量悬浮液能否用于分选的主要指标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依照我国法律规定,下列财产为按份共有的是()
A. 夫妻共有财产 B. 家庭共有财产 C. 甲、乙分别出资3万元和4万元共同购买的财产 D. 共同继承的财产 [单项选择]患者,女,32岁,主因胸骨后疼痛、反酸2个月来医院就诊。透视下行吞钡提示食管胃连接部进入纵隔。
如保守治疗无效,可能出现的并发症是 A. 反流性食管炎 B. 呕血 C. 吸入性肺炎 D. 便血 E. 以上都是 [单选题]声屏障外露钢件应采取热镀锌或冷镀锌防腐工艺处理,防腐年限一般满足( )年的使用寿命。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单项选择]以下哪项不是神经症的临床症状:()
A. 焦虑 B. 抑郁 C. 强制思维 D. 慢性疼痛 E. 恐惧 [单项选择]二尖瓣狭窄可触及()
A. 胸骨右缘第2肋间收缩期震颤 B. 胸骨左缘第2肋间收缩期震颤 C. 胸骨左缘3~4肋间收缩期震颤 D. 胸骨左缘第2肋间连续性震颤 E. 心尖部舒张期震颤 [判断题]杆塔分段吊装时,上下段连接牢固后,方可继续进行吊装工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,有权停止作业或者在采取可能的应急措施后撤离作业场所
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
At present groups of scientific workers, often (26) by their governments, spend their time in (27) the (28) of earthquakes. It is very (29) that they will be able to (30) earthquakes or influence the direction of their movements, which are determined by events far below the surface of the earth. But the facts they report and the theories (31) by those facts may enable scientists to (32) the centers of future earthquakes and even (33) the time of their (34) . It is only when the (35) of events that we call an earthquake can be seen as a pattern that predictions can be made. Part of this pattern is external and (36) or capable of being recorded by (37) instruments above the earth’s surface. Scientists and engineers studied the (38) of the San Francisco earthquake. The city was re built, and new features were (39) to strengthen buildings and maintain a < [单项选择]有以下程序
int f1 (int x,inty){return x>yx:y;}
int f2(int x,int y){return x>yy:x;}
main( )
int a=4,b=3,c=5,d=2,e,f,g;
程序运行后的输出结果是【 】。
A. 4,3,7 B. 3,4,7 C. 52,7 D. 2,5,7 [单项选择]患者,男性,72岁。休克,护士遵医嘱留置导尿管,其目的是()。
A. 做尿培养检查 B. 引流潴留的尿液 C. 训练膀胱功能 D. 保持会阴部清洁干燥 E. 记录尿量观察病情变化 [单项选择]阴道分泌物检查,白带外观呈豆腐渣样,提示为()
A. 老年性阴道炎 B. 滴虫性阴道炎 C. 念珠菌性阴道炎 D. 宫颈息肉 E. 子宫内膜炎 [填空题]进行风电机螺栓工作时我们应怎样进行()紧固。
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