With more Chinese children coming to
study in Singapore, a unique community of women known as "pei du ma ma", which,
loosely translated means "study mamas", has emerged here.{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}are there to keep their children company. Singaporeans have
responded{{U}} (68) {{/U}}their presence with mixed reactions. What is
more important is{{U}} (69) {{/U}}their experiences say about the
education industry here. Singapore no doubt presents unique advantages as a
choice for Chinese students who are{{U}} (70) {{/U}}to study overseas.
It is a Garden City{{U}} (71) {{/U}}has an efficient judicial system and
an orderly society. It has a bilingual policy and Chinese are the majority. Life
here is easy to get{{U}} (72) {{/U}}to and, what’ s more, their mothers
are{{U}} (73) {{/U}}to come here to be with them. Most Chinese students
who wish to A. result B. outcome C. matter D. end [单选题]东风7型内燃机车牵引发电机电刷压力应在()范围内。
A.1O~15N B.15~20N C.20~25N D.25~30N [单选题]:《道路危险货物运输管理规定》第八条规定:“运输爆炸品、强腐蚀性危险货物的罐式专用车辆的罐体容积不得超过( )立方米,运输剧毒化学品的罐式专用车辆的罐体容积不得超过( )立方米,但符合国家有关标准的罐式集装箱除外”。
A.10,20 B.20,10 C.10,10 D.20,20 [单项选择]「まま」的意思是()。
A. 母亲 B. 照旧 C. 或许 D. 偶尔 [单选题]下列不属于抗菌药物分级的名称的是?
A.非限制使用级 B.限制使用级 C.特殊使用级 D.普通级 [判断题]提速道岔可动心轨实际尖端至翼轨趾端的距离(简称尖趾距离)为2396mm,容许误差为0,+25 mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各级党组织要指导群团组织紧紧围绕中国特色社会主义( )、生态文明建设,围绕外交工作大局和祖国统一大业,找准工作的结合点和着力点,团结动员所联系群众为完成党和国家中心任务贡献力量。
A.经济建设 B.政治建设 C.文化建设 D.社会建设 [单项选择]根据JB4708—92《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》的规定,埋弧焊时电流种类或极性属于()。
A. 重要因素 B. 补加因素 C. 次要因素 [判断题]配合机械清底、平地、修坡等施工人员,必须在机械回转半径以外作业。如必须进入回转半径内作业时,必须在专人看护的情况下进行作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对子女抚养的适当处理是指对离婚后子女的抚养、教育和()等问题作出合理的安排。
A. 探望 B. 探视 C. 扶养 D. 照顾 我来回答: 提交