Farm-raised pigs are dirty, smelly animals that get no respect. They’re also an environmental hazard. Their manure contains phosphorus, which, when it rains, runs off into lakes and estuaries, depleting oxygen, killing fish, stimulating algae overgrowth and emitting greenhouse gases.
41. ______. Pigs provide more dietary protein, more cheaply, to more people than any other animal. Northern Europe still maintains the highest pig-to-human ratio in the world (2-1 in Den- mark), but East Asia is catching up. During the 1990s, pork production doubled in Vietnam and grew by 70 percent in China— along densely populated coastlines, pig density exceeds 100 animals per square kilometer. The resulting pollution is “threatening fragile coastal marine habitats including mangroves, coral reefs and sea grasses,” according to a report released in February by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
As it turns out, there is a solution t
To preserve food, the growth of
bacteria (细菌) must be controlled. Water, warmth, and food are all needed for
bacteria to become strong and healthy. Some kinds of bacteria need air, but
other kinds grow only when air is absent. Extremes of temperature, either hot or
cold, can kill bacteria. Before electric ice boxes were invented, freezing and cooling were limited by the cold climate. In warmer regions, food was cooled by putting it in the shade, in cold water from the well, or A. cooking always kills the bacteria in food B. cooking can make the food become dry C. the light in cooking can kill bacteria D. under the right conditions, cooking will kill bacteria [单项选择]
A. The professor will often extend the time limit for assignments. B. The students will gain extra scores for handing in assignments ahead of time. C. The professor will penalize lightly for late assignments. D. The students will lose scores by the day for late assignments. [判断题]员工在工作日参加与本职工作相关的学历.学位.职称.资格考试的,凭相关考试证明,全年给予不超过 3 天的带薪假期
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]危险化学品事故应急救援是指危险化学品由于各种原因造成或可能造成众多人员伤亡及其他社会危害时,为( )清除危害后果而组织的救援活动。
A.及时控制危险源 B.抢救受害人员 C.进行灾区慰问 D.指导群众防护和组织撤离 [单选题]. 一般对于周期检定的电子式标准电能表,可通过测试绝缘电阻来确定电表绝缘性能,测量输入端子和辅助电源端子对外壳,输入端子对辅助电源端子之间的绝缘电阻应不低于( )。
A.2.5MΩ B.500MΩ C.100MΩ D.1000MΩ [判断题]7、大的创伤出血往往是导致休克或死亡的原因之一,因此,在灾害救护过程中,必须迅速进行止血。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]牵引发电机的励磁由励磁机L供给,L发出的三相交流电经2ZL整流输出直流电,向牵引发电机励磁绕组供电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何考察善知识?当你想依止一位善知识,如何确定他是值得依止的上师?
[多选题]消费者为生活消费需要( ),其权益受《消费者权益保护法》 保护。
A.购买商品 B.使用商品 C.购买服务 D.接受服务 [单选题]井下使用人力推车在坡度大于( )‰时.严禁推车。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 [填空题]水的气化现象与温度和()有关.
A. 损坏 B. 变形 C. 有故障 D. 失灵 [单选题]第一次明确提出彻底的反帝反封建的民主革命纲领的会议是()
A.中共一大 B.中共二大 C.中共三大 [单选题]设计时速100KM/h最大纵坡(___)%。
A.A.3 B.B.4 C.C.5 D.D.6 [单项选择]Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n)()of 40,000 per year.
A. average B. number C. amount D. quantity [单选题]①无论从事什么职业,处于什么岗位;
A.②①⑥⑤④③ B.②⑥①⑤③④ C.③②④①⑥⑤ D.③④⑥①⑤② [判断题]变电站技改工程验收可研初设审查阶段应审查改造的必要性,核对需要改造设备的检修及运维履历,检查该设备的状态评价结果,设备是否满足技改原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]药物相互作用研究是指
A. 研究两种或两种以上药物合用或先后序贯使用时引起的药物效应强度和性质的变化 B. 在研究、考察药物疗效时,观察药物可能引起的副作用、过敏反应、继发性反应等不良反应 C. 评价新药的安全性、有效性,对上市药品的再评价,对药物不良反应的监察等 D. 研究药物在正常人和患者体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄的规律性 E. 研究药物对人体(包括健康者、患者和特殊人群)的生理、生化功能的影响与临床疗效,阐明药物作用原理 [单选题]患者男,39岁,因肾绞痛急诊在某医生肌注杜冷丁50mg后疼痛缓解,两天后自觉注射部位疼痛,4天后就诊,查体:局部压痛,皮肤发红,皮温增高,有波动感,穿刺抽出少量黄色脓液,应考虑为( )。
A.注射部位感染,属于医院感染 B.注射部位感染,不属于医院感染 C.无菌性化脓,属于医院感染 D.无菌性化脓,不属于医院感染 E.自然感染 我来回答: 提交